Smooth's Alpha Male Definition

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
The alpha male, can be regarded as not so much the leader of the pack but the leader of himself.

He doesn't have to have a crowd of friends around him who worship his ever-loving being. He simply needs to love himself, and for those around him to show the respect that comes with one loving himself.

When an Alpha Male walks into a room, he may be greeted by his peers. Keep a very essential thing in mind though, this is something I was confused with prior to my discovery:

The Alpha Male who "always gets the girl" will not be in as high of regards as the Alpha Male who's friend, who's friends with the girls he doesn't know, says "Smooth's a really cool guy. Everybody loves him, you should go talk to him".

This may sound semi-friend-zoneish. Keep in mind however, how the Alpha Male plays the conversation with the women will dertermine what the women thinks about him - what her friend tells him is only a backdrop.

It's better to be liked by all, and loved by a few, then to be loved by a few and hated by the risk due to arrogence.

Let's say Smooth (me) and Bob (random made-up fellow) go to a party. I walk in, a guy screams "Smooth!" a bunch of girls say Hi, I smirk say hello to them and my friends proceed to talk about me etc..

Bob walks in, he's better looking then Smooth, but in turn he lacks a significant characteristic. When he walks in, he talks to all the girls, a few of his friends say hey to him. He see's a hot girl he likes, confronts her and starts conversation.

Bob is the leader of the pack, he beleives he is to superior to say hello to his friends - they say hello to him. His pack follows him and respects him in the regards that he is talking to mulitple women at the same time.

Smooth is the leader of himself, he beleives each and everyone deserves respect - and he is respected in turn. His friend's enjoy his company, his charisma. The girl he chose is attracted to him, guy's tell her how cool Smooth is.

It's my personal beleif that Alpha Male is sort of moot, in entireity, and the whole Alpha Male idea is a bad term created to try and explain guy's with a lot of confidence and charisma.

If your with a group of friends, let's say you and 4 of your buddies, a hot women walks by.... Your friend says hello to her and strikes up conversation.

He is merely the "alpha male" because he had superior confidence, and made a move first. To try and beat him out on this women is ****blocking, and unfriendly.

But hey, I could be wrong. What a tratedgy :)
(reference right there ^)


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
In a house
I see

"The alpha male, can be regarded as not so much the leader of the pack but the leader of himself."

I see your point on the leader of himself part, but I do have another view on that. Which is the Alpha Male is the leader or himself and the leader of others. In my circle of friends for example, I am the Alpha Male. The reason is because I'm not afraid to do things and I'm respected. In other groups I am still the Alpha Male because I do what I want to do, I don't let others tell me what I can or can't do, and so I get respect.

I do believe what you say is true about being the leader of himself, because without having the self confidence, and other things that make you leader, its impossible for you to lead others.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2003
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA
it sounds like both guys you are describing are alpha males, just over different sizes of groups. all you tell us is lead more, get more poontang

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by brookswift
all you tell us is lead more, get more poontang
Sound's like good advice to me...

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Canadianpimpology
Sexual intercourse...