slutty stories from an average female...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
pyros said:
The funy thing is that for all the time I've known her she's been criticising different girls that she thought were slu-ts, and what do we have now...? she's going the same way like the girls she used to bad mouth about...great LMAO.
Its cool you care for her but these girls are huge contradictions. Women who say sh!t like "Those girls are sluts and *****" Usually turn out to be sluts themselves. Ive must of met hundreds upon hundreds of girls and they ALL try to bullsh*t men into thinking that she is the diamond in the rough when in fact shes just as dirty as the rest of the dirt around her. I like the girls who claim "I HATE liars, i cant stand lies" They are the biggest liars and devious, Dont ever let a women fool you into those BS lines. Its a way common thing...

"I would never cheat on my BF/Husband" She ends up cheating on him.
"I would never fvck that guy" You later find out she fvcked him.
"I would never go home on a ONS" She ends up doing it a couple of times.
'I dont care about his c0ck size" She tells her girlfriend how she needs it big
"I NEVER swallow, YUCK!" She ends up chugging a gallon of it from some guy
"I just want a nice guy" A tattoo muscled up douche makes her "happy"
"I dont believe in relationship breaks" Later she says she needs space
and the famous "IM NOT LIKE THAT!" She ends up LIKE THAT. etc...

Almost everything is bullsh!t that comes out of their mouths lol its ridiculous really. The things girls have told me since they confided in me makes me so cautious with women today. They lie more than you could ever imagine. I always think of the story of Adam and Eve... its been like this since beginning of time... The almighty God himself said not to eat from that tree... she did it anyway and gave to Adam. Im guessing few hundred years ago Men knew to keep Women in check and if not they would get a smack across the face or worse. Women never dared to lie or deceive to avoid facing some nasty sh!t. Today? Oh forget about it they thrive in a hellish world of lies, deceit and manipulation.

Also be cautious when Women tell you the truth... It'll be like "Did you give him a fvcking bl0wjob!??" "No i swear i didnt!!" "You sure! dont lie to me!" "I swear!! i didnt suck him off! I only licked his balls!" Even when its the truth... its still bad lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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yeah, after meeting different women, dating them etc, now that I am 28 I do not trust women in general, I do not believe what they say the majority of the time if not always.

I have this personal rule of mine that consists of only trusting a woman once you've known her for a pretty long time, and you've seen how she reacts, behaves etc in different situations, only then and if I like what I see, I start to slowly trust them.

And its funy how several girls have told me that I am too distrustful and that I should not be that way. Yeah sure, it would be better to trust you the moment I meet you right sweetie?

Damn manipulators...they contradict themselves, break promisses, behave badly and try to look like an inocent child. It is getting worse and worse ...


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I just want to know why someone would ever regard one of these sluts as like a little sister. Sorry i am coming down so hard on you OP...but i don't like *****s and i generally am dumfounded by the guys who always befriend them. Now guys who simply bang them.....i can respect that.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Beast Coast
pyros said:
For the record, she's just my friend, we get along very well, and I dont want to bang her cause I do not even find her attractive, so we have "pure" friendship. She tells me her stories and adventures with men, and I do the same with women. We've been friends for almost two years now.

I do care about her and this is why I got shocked when she told me she had a ONS, with a foreigner, and without a condom. What the heck was she thinking??

And it is even more shocking because she's always telling me that she does not trust a guy if he wants to do it without a condom, that she would never do it, etc etc....and what do we have now? she just contradicted the majority of women on Earth do.

It's sad to see what a wh-ore she's becoming, but she has a couple of female friend that are even sluttier so...
Sounds like your jealous bro.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
lol funny thread... yes females has a lot of random easy sex and most men are very jealous of that fact... and yes you girl and wife do have random sex also then come back and F you no way around it..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
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I banged my friend's girlfriend, with his permission, next to one of our university buildings. I've also slept with a different friend's girlfriend, also with his knowledge, although not in public.

If decades were movies, the 2010s would be the gritty sequel the 1960s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Banged plenty of new chicks w/out condoms... but a girl in a foreign country...?? Not sure I'd do that.

I actually came inside three chicks just yesterday. Not new lays, but three in a day's pretty good for me @ my age. MLTRs... one 2-year relp, one 1-year relp and an 8-month relp.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Zarky said:
Banged plenty of new chicks w/out condoms... but a girl in a foreign country...?? Not sure I'd do that.

I actually came inside three chicks just yesterday. Not new lays, but three in a day's pretty good for me @ my age. MLTRs... one 2-year relp, one 1-year relp and an 8-month relp.
Were in socal are you? Lol