I'm considering buying an SLR camera.
Now I have alot of whims to go and buy stuff and usually i act on them and regret it later. If some of you recall when i made a thread about toy soldiers, well i bought a whole heap for a whole lot of money and kinda regret it now. Also one day i felt like reading an Asterix comic so i went on ebay and bought the whole set for rougly $10 a book, theres about 26 books. I've read about 2 or 3 of them. Not regretting that purchase too much, but I could have done without it. I recently had the urge to go buy all the Transformers toys, 10 of them for about $30 each. I sat on it for a week and now i'm so soo glad i didn't go out and buy them.
Anyway, backstory aside, I've always like taking pictures with my gf's digital camera. And thinking about investing in an SLR camera. I'm a pretty good photographer, as in, i know which angles, what kind of shot, what color scheme, what positions would look best. I have a 6th sense with photography.
Just a few questions,
I'm looking to spend $1000AUD (aproxx $900 US now, hehehehe) on a camera. I'll choose which one i want, wait for Myer (a big department store chain here in Australia) to go 10-15% off, and use my gf's staff extra 10% off, so spending $800. I'm not made of money and this is a very big purchase for me, but I think the investment will be worth it. Just wondering if i should or if its just going to wind up becoming and expensive toy. Any thoughts? Anybody here in my position, or was in my position?
Do you guys recommend any cameras? or have any tips for me?
Also would taking VCE Photography would have helped me at all? Just curious, nothing i can do about it now. I'm sure i can find good comprehensive guides on the internet about shutter speeds, and exposure and all that crap. I really have no idea what i'm doing rite now, but i know i have a good eye for pictures.
cheers fellas
Now I have alot of whims to go and buy stuff and usually i act on them and regret it later. If some of you recall when i made a thread about toy soldiers, well i bought a whole heap for a whole lot of money and kinda regret it now. Also one day i felt like reading an Asterix comic so i went on ebay and bought the whole set for rougly $10 a book, theres about 26 books. I've read about 2 or 3 of them. Not regretting that purchase too much, but I could have done without it. I recently had the urge to go buy all the Transformers toys, 10 of them for about $30 each. I sat on it for a week and now i'm so soo glad i didn't go out and buy them.
Anyway, backstory aside, I've always like taking pictures with my gf's digital camera. And thinking about investing in an SLR camera. I'm a pretty good photographer, as in, i know which angles, what kind of shot, what color scheme, what positions would look best. I have a 6th sense with photography.
Just a few questions,
I'm looking to spend $1000AUD (aproxx $900 US now, hehehehe) on a camera. I'll choose which one i want, wait for Myer (a big department store chain here in Australia) to go 10-15% off, and use my gf's staff extra 10% off, so spending $800. I'm not made of money and this is a very big purchase for me, but I think the investment will be worth it. Just wondering if i should or if its just going to wind up becoming and expensive toy. Any thoughts? Anybody here in my position, or was in my position?
Do you guys recommend any cameras? or have any tips for me?
Also would taking VCE Photography would have helped me at all? Just curious, nothing i can do about it now. I'm sure i can find good comprehensive guides on the internet about shutter speeds, and exposure and all that crap. I really have no idea what i'm doing rite now, but i know i have a good eye for pictures.
cheers fellas