Slowly getting back, but still a **** AFC


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, you guy's remember me? If not well, to get straight to the point last year i used to be known as the ladies man in college (small international business college), i've slept a few girls there and grabbed their numbers.

But after months of non-practice, lazyiness i've lost my game altogether, i guess i was just "TOO CONFIDENT", i blamed myself that i cant get practice because i'm busy with work.

Well i joined here 2 months ago, 1st month i couldn't get myself back in but now i want to get myself back in and starting to get my motivation back together, i honestly the season is having an effect on me? i feel hornier now (spring).

Anyways the point is, yesterday i got a chance to see my alpha brother in action, his an alpha because every girl asked where he was and said hello to him, everyone is over him and i can see his strong key points. I want to transform myself like him, i was thinking of asking him for a hang out together, but he lives far far away, and 7 years older than i am.

Basically how do i get myself back into this game? I just dont know how i could start from scatch, my heart was pounding hard when i was at church yesterday, i felt shameful last time i went to church few months i felt confident and was a alpha myself yesterday i've experienced myself going to the back side and the girls i knew ignoring me.

>_< HELP ME... bootcamp seems like something that isn't worth doing, anyone tried that bootcamp?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I feel the same way,6 months ago i rocked! i'm sucky and can't seem to get back to where i was ;(


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
You do not lose "skill." Being able to conversate and relate to girls in a genuine trait from experience alone. Do not think you can "have" it then "lose" it. Maybe it was all luck?


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Javelin44
You do not lose "skill." Being able to conversate and relate to girls in a genuine trait from experience alone. Do not think you can "have" it then "lose" it. Maybe it was all luck?
If you dont maintain your skill, your skill starts to diminish and eventually you lose it and hold onto a tiny part of it if lucky (which i do have a little left i guess.)

You can of course gain skills back 2nd time much easier from previous experience like all things SO IT WASN'T LUCK.

I'm going to get myself back in, i've ordered Doubleyourdating advanced program to get my kick started!!!

I want to get my inner self together first before doing any approaches, because inner self is very important obviously having a date right now will bost my self esteem quicker.