Slipping in and out of state?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
There are times where I feel on top of the world. The best way I can describe it as is a feeling of extreme well being. I am content with myself, happiness, confidence come from within, almost like a fountain spewing out fun and value everywhere I go. Everything falls into place and I "just get it". At this stage, everyone notices a change and flocks toward me like a heard of animals trying to be around me just to talk and hang out.

Then I wake up the next day and I'm back to my same old self. Everyone notices the sudden change of behavior and things go back to normal.

Why is it that at times I can feel like A true DJ, then slip back into the AFC state of mind?


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
Happens to me also.

Make the most of the flow state and take note of how you got there in the first place. Sometimes it's as easy as focusing on your breathing for 3-4 minutes.

Breath in for 4-6 and at the top of the breath, immediately start breathing out. The exhale should take about the same amount of time or a bit longer. When your lungs are empty, start the process again immediately. No breaks between breaths. Make sure you are breathing into your stomach. A good way to do this is visualize the air going to your balls.

Good luck man. Make the most of the flow. :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
Man, I have those roller coaster feelings ALL THE TIME!
Today during lunch time I was feeling kind of bad. I read this thread, then I immediately left my chair and went to that table to meet that friend's friends. Met this new girl. She was ugly but whatever. I got up my lazy ass and this is what counts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
It happens.

With enough time and training, those times that you do slip out of state will decrease and will be very insignificant.

I used to drop out of state constantly, and for long periods of time. Now, I rarely do, maybe once or so a month, and when I do, I'm able to bring my self back to "normal" within the day. See, what you have to do is adjust yourself so that those days when you're feeling in a euphoric state become your normal days. When you're really happy, don't think of it as being really happy, you are really happy. You are abnormal when you are not happy. Force yourself to believe that your normal state is your euphoric state.