Slick So Its Been 2 Months Since Im Single..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
For those of you who helped me out in this forum:

Its been 2 months.. after the emotional and physical abuse of a LTR that I was with for 2 years 3 months..

For those of you who know she emailed me apologizing and all and hoping everything is fine and if I ever need her, that I can contact her... BUT I NEVER RESPONDED TO THAT EMAIL THAT WAS SENT TO ME 2 WEEKS AFTER WE BROKE UP..

I went to Dominican Republic for a week with all my friends and I HAD A BLAST!!

i never thought about her,,, only when I was alone... I was FVcking a chick over there and Met many more...

When I came back from vacation 3 weeks ago... I went back to my normal zone of thinking about her and all... I was depressed and sad again.. But I never posted in this forums because I didnt want to be weak and I never contacted her,.. I made a facebook when I came back and I uploaded a pic of me and A girl I was with on vacation. As the main picture just in case my EX searches me up.

Yesterday after all the days I felt good... I felt depressed yesterday and today,, And I actually had to tear today.. Im not gonna lie... Just to release my emotions.. I log onto facebook and I get a message from my EX which says...

"nice picture :) hope ur doing ok...u know im up here now alex so figured I would say hi"

I had the chills when I read that... Im still thinking about it as Im posting it up here...

Im curious I never responded to her email.. Now she is trying to contact me again..

Im curious if she wants me to respond and meet up with her...And If it would be a smart idea to write back...

My emotions are taking over again.. and I feel like you guys can put me on the right path.. as I always take advice

Thank You


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
As soon as you reply to her you will lose all of the power you have built over her by being a man and living your own life. She just knows you are getting over her and girls can't take that. You sound like you're still pretty hung up on this girl so you should not talk to her. You will just get all emotional.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Leave it a while, then casually mention how you've been so busy lately.. Just something short. If she writes back again in the meantime, it shows shes interested/ curious/ missing you etc..

Just act smooth ;)

You want to make her think your not interested so she throws herself at you naked, if thats what you want.
Don't forget, this is a whole new lifestyle that you're taking on, and make your mind up if you interested in getting back with someone like her again. Would you put up with **** again? Youd have to stay interesting, mysterious, and above all- a CHALLENGE.

Be a challenge and she'll do anything for re-validation. :)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Tide said:
Leave it a while, then casually mention how you've been so busy lately.. Just something short. If she writes back again in the meantime, it shows shes interested/ curious/ missing you etc..

Just act smooth ;)

You want to make her think your not interested so she throws herself at you naked, if thats what you want.
Don't forget, this is a whole new lifestyle that you're taking on, and make your mind up if you interested in getting back with someone like her again. Would you put up with **** again? Youd have to stay interesting, mysterious, and above all- a CHALLENGE.

Be a challenge and she'll do anything for re-validation. :)
I like the way you think... I honestly was getting over her.. and this message made me think again about us and I hate the feeling. I was accepting the fact that she wasnt in my life anymore and it was more of that I miss you feeling.

I dont want to get back with her. I know it would be the wrong move for many reasons, I never replied to her essay email 2 months ago, she tried again contacting me... I dont see any reason of answering her back..

Although I have to say it put me in an emotional state for a bit.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Slick101 said:
I like the way you think... I honestly was getting over her.. and this message made me think again about us and I hate the feeling. I was accepting the fact that she wasnt in my life anymore and it was more of that I miss you feeling.

I dont want to get back with her. I know it would be the wrong move for many reasons, I never replied to her essay email 2 months ago, she tried again contacting me... I dont see any reason of answering her back..

Although I have to say it put me in an emotional state for a bit.


Getting over relationships is hard stuff... some guys move on really quick, while others take longer depending on how serious the relationship was and how invested you were with the girl.

There's no point in me going over the laundry list of reasons why your exgf is a total and complete b-itch! You already know that.... its funny; when you "miss" the relationship your mind has a funny way of tricking your emotions into only remembering the good times, the sex, the moments where you really enjoyed her in your life. But don't be fooled by the diversion, its not reality.

Your doing awesome, I'm glad you took a vacation and fuvked some chick there. Don't punish yourself for missing your exgf from time to time; its part of getting over here.

Lastly and most importantly; DO NOT REPLY TO HER IN ANY WAY!! Its poison and if you drink it, your in for another round of hurt.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Honestly I wish she never messaged me. I feel like im going back to step 1, and I dont like that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Slick101 said:
Honestly I wish she never messaged me. I feel like im going back to step 1, and I dont like that.

Nah you're not, your brain is just associating with the last time you felt like this (i.e. when she emailed you RIGHT after the relationship ended) and you were in step 1 that time. But now you're leading a new life, hooked up with a new chick, and you are a stronger man than you were when you were fresh out of the relationship. It may feel like you're going back to step 1 because of association to the last time she messaged you like this, but the truth is that you're a different man now and the sooner you realize that you'll never, ever be at step 1 again the better you'll be for it. You've gone through a huge changing process that has made you more of a man and has hardened you. That's something that won't go away.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Brighty said:
Nah you're not, your brain is just associating with the last time you felt like this (i.e. when she emailed you RIGHT after the relationship ended) and you were in step 1 that time. But now you're leading a new life, hooked up with a new chick, and you are a stronger man than you were when you were fresh out of the relationship. It may feel like you're going back to step 1 because of association to the last time she messaged you like this, but the truth is that you're a different man now and the sooner you realize that you'll never, ever be at step 1 again the better you'll be for it. You've gone through a huge changing process that has made you more of a man and has hardened you. That's something that won't go away.
Those are some words man!

HAHA... Thanks Alot for that one!


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
You went quite a long ways since we've last talked. You've been keeping yourself busy and moving on. Your a champ and I respect that. Right now you have all the power, and what really matter is YOU. Getting back in touch and contacting her with a reply will only serve to ruin what you've been trying to accomplish all this time since the breakup.

You are now thinking a lot more clearly and know that getting back with her isn't something you want. Old feelings will still linger, that is normal. But remember she was the one who hurt you and cause negative feelings within you. You don't want someone like that in your life.

Perhaps shes msging you again to see where you stand with her. Or maybe she would like to stay friends. Either way, you can't be friends with her if you still have feelings for her. It's time to forget about her and move on.

By the way I think you're handling this very well, better than majority of the people out there. It's hard controlling our emotions, but that's what separates you from a chump. Goodluck buddy.



Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Slick101 said:
When I came back from vacation 3 weeks ago... I went back to my normal zone of thinking about her and all... I was depressed and sad again.. But I never posted in this forums because I didnt want to be weak and I never contacted her,.. I made a facebook when I came back and I uploaded a pic of me and A girl I was with on vacation. As the main picture just in case my EX searches me up.
THIS is what worries me. It seems that as you made the Facebook page, you made it with her in mind.

Do it for yourself, put the pictures up there because of other prospects, NOT because of your ex.

You shouldn't be surprised that she messaged you, since it seems like the secondary purpose of the Facebook was for her to find you and see that one picture you posted.

Do NOT respond to her, please, all you are doing is revisiting old feelings. And if you EVER feel the urge to message her, step away from the computer for 10 minutes and remember THIS part:

Its been 2 months.. after the emotional and physical abuse of a LTR that I was with for 2 years 3 months..
Do you really want to revisit that?
Ask yourself, is it worth it?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
SchoolBoy said:
You went quite a long ways since we've last talked. You've been keeping yourself busy and moving on. Your a champ and I respect that. Right now you have all the power, and what really matter is YOU. Getting back in touch and contacting her with a reply will only serve to ruin what you've been trying to accomplish all this time since the breakup.

You are now thinking a lot more clearly and know that getting back with her isn't something you want. Old feelings will still linger, that is normal. But remember she was the one who hurt you and cause negative feelings within you. You don't want someone like that in your life.

Perhaps shes msging you again to see where you stand with her. Or maybe she would like to stay friends. Either way, you can't be friends with her if you still have feelings for her. It's time to forget about her and move on.

By the way I think you're handling this very well, better than majority of the people out there. It's hard controlling our emotions, but that's what separates you from a chump. Goodluck buddy.

Thank You For that..

I know I just have to keep myself busy,, I dont want to be the looser guy that it still obsessed with his EX after a year of breaking up with her..

I will not contact her.. Im worrying is she will later try to text me or call me...

Im deff moving on without a doubt and holding strong No contact over 2 months and Im planning to not break it forever,, HA


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Slick! Glad to see you still haven't contacted her. I haven't been on lately, since I moved in with my gf she put a curfew on my sosuave time :D

Seriously though, this is exactly why I always preach absolute no contact:

Slick101 said:
I honestly was getting over her.. and this message made me think again about us and I hate the feeling.
Imagine if you started taling to her what would happen? You would have this feeling all the time. You would always feel in limbo. Because one part of you will tell you forget about this dumb cvnt, it's over. And another part will be saying "well, now she really is sorry, maybe things could work out again..." You would just be torturing yourself.

As other posters have mentioned, right now you have some power over her. She doesn't know anything about you, except that pic she saw on FB, from which she can see you are getting other girls and getting over her. That pisses her off so now she wants to get back under your skin. The second you respond to her provocations, the power shifts back to her.

Everytime you feel nostalgic about a positive moment in your past relationship, immediately think about a negative moment. This is called negative association. It will help you in the long run keep things in perspective and hopefully cure you of this "feeling" you are dealing with right now.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Slick, I read your OP from what happened.

Why would you want to revisit anything with her? Wasn't this the girl that made you give her back $200 and laughed at you when YOU said it was over?

Didn't you say AGAIN that you endured a LOT of abuse?

Is it really worth throwing away your last two months simply because she messaged you out of the blue???

Do NOT reply to her message, do NOT lose all that hard work you've put into this. Do NOT give her all the power again.

For all that is holy in this world, move on from her.
Re-examine your inner game man, by now you shouldn't even be THINKING about replying back.

I really hope you haven't.

Any girl that would have done to me what she did to you, would seriously not even be in contention of a second chance.. NEVER, EVER.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
JEEZ!! move on kid your own referenced post (all 5 pages...JEEZ!)

You have proven you can get other chicks

Stop wallowing in the "good" memories and think of what a pain in the ass she truly was

If you contact her and start up again with her your next chapter with her will be 10X worse

Why would you climb back into a jet you just had to eject from?????

Over and Out