blinkwatt said:
There is no such thing as a 'hard gainer',you just haven't found you niche yet.
Keep experimenting,you'll find it.
That statement my friend, was a load of s****. Whilst many people who think they are hardgainers aren't simply because they train and eat wrongly, many ARE due to various other issues. Quote courtesy of Iron Addict,
"A large percentage of the “hardgainers” are only hardgainers because they do so much wrong (a full length article to follow). And many are truly hardgainers due to genetics and metabolic disorders. These guys MUST approach their training different."
He goes much further into depth, talking about various metabolic issues and the vitamin/hormone treatment, different routines etc that these people need. So yeh, it isn't fiction.
NavySeal however, could very well be one of those guys that hasn't quite got everything dialled in. An interesting point I read in a post by a well respected member of Iron addicts said something along the lines of "Unless you get up and drink a shake or two during the night, you can't call yourself a hardgainer". Interesting point, obviously this statement was made in the confidence that training etc was on point. I've been interested in seeing what downing a shake in the middle of the night would do for gains, but that will have to wait for some other time.
P.s.-Warboss beat me to it heh. Anyway Navyseal, post your stuff up.