Don Juan
Following some of the advice on this forum, I decided to start my workout log.
Background Info
I'm 17 years old, 6'0 @ 160 lbs. I play competitive football, hockey & soccer.
Been working out on and off for a year now, but due to the lack of motivation and the amount of cheating made ... the gains have been minimal..
Current Workout & Eating Plan
I'm currently using Anthony Ellis's workout plan ( ). Packed 10 lbs in a couple months, not bad. It's a heavy weight/ low reps program, built towards building type II B muscles.
So here's a sample of my daily diet ..
7am - Myoplex with Milk , 1.5 tbsp Udo's oil , banana or 2 slices of bread , 5g creatine with oj
10 am - 4/5 eggs & 4 slices of bread
1 pm - whatever the HS lunch program meal is + tin of tuna -> this is getting changed next month to home made meal.
4pm - Myoplex with Milk , banana or apple , 1.5 tbsp Udo's oil
7 pm - chicken/ steak along with pasta/rice and some veggies
10 pm - BioX Protein Shake ( 27 g ) with milk , 5g creatine & 5g glutamine
Alright here it is guys, feel free to tear it apart !
Today's workout :
Pull-ups all the way down ( 4 sets ) : 6-6-5-4
Reverse-Grip Bent-Over Rows : 8@85, 8@85 , 4@105 , 3@115 , burnout 10@65 , superset 10@ 65 followed by 15@110 lateral pull-downs , Im not sure if thats how it's called.
Bicep Curls Barbell 8@50 4@55 3@60 1@65 Burnout 6@40
Following some of the advice on this forum, I decided to start my workout log.
Background Info
I'm 17 years old, 6'0 @ 160 lbs. I play competitive football, hockey & soccer.
Been working out on and off for a year now, but due to the lack of motivation and the amount of cheating made ... the gains have been minimal..
Current Workout & Eating Plan
I'm currently using Anthony Ellis's workout plan ( ). Packed 10 lbs in a couple months, not bad. It's a heavy weight/ low reps program, built towards building type II B muscles.
So here's a sample of my daily diet ..
7am - Myoplex with Milk , 1.5 tbsp Udo's oil , banana or 2 slices of bread , 5g creatine with oj
10 am - 4/5 eggs & 4 slices of bread
1 pm - whatever the HS lunch program meal is + tin of tuna -> this is getting changed next month to home made meal.
4pm - Myoplex with Milk , banana or apple , 1.5 tbsp Udo's oil
7 pm - chicken/ steak along with pasta/rice and some veggies
10 pm - BioX Protein Shake ( 27 g ) with milk , 5g creatine & 5g glutamine
Alright here it is guys, feel free to tear it apart !
Today's workout :
Pull-ups all the way down ( 4 sets ) : 6-6-5-4
Reverse-Grip Bent-Over Rows : 8@85, 8@85 , 4@105 , 3@115 , burnout 10@65 , superset 10@ 65 followed by 15@110 lateral pull-downs , Im not sure if thats how it's called.
Bicep Curls Barbell 8@50 4@55 3@60 1@65 Burnout 6@40