Re: Re: Re: Six Days
Originally posted by Emperiorjack
Holy crap man why would you want to fast for 10 days? That just nuts.
Why do you think I wanted to fast? You prolly think I didn't have anything to do? LOL
This is a natural method of cleansing your body and curing some problems. I have a hay fever allergy and wanted to cure it.
Actually 10 days is not really enough, anything from 20-40 days of fasting can bring some good effects. They auther of thebook I read recommended two session of 25 days to cure an allergy.
Unfortunately I was weak, I did it only for 10 days, so I didn't have much effect.
Although with regard to allergies if I fast only for 2 days, my hay fever allergy is gone till next year.
Some other natural cures are apple cider vinegar and vitamin C.
Instaed of taking pills for several months I just drink some very dilluted apple cider vinegar for a day or two, and the allergy is gone. Same, but weaker effect can be attained by eating 7-10g of vitamin C daily.
Anyone who have some similar allergies and does not like taking pills should try something of these there natural remedies.