situation with gf bothering me, help needed

Jumpin' Jack Flash

New Member
Jan 25, 2005
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Kent UK
I was cheated on by my previous gf, who was the epitome of ‘attention *****’. Things started out great but then a lot of bull**** started happening which I wont bore you with, but basically I started to realise how immature she was, the arguments started, and our relationship died a slow painful death. I was hurt but I am glad to have learnt several lessons (albeit the hard way) from what happened.
Fast forward to my current gf, the complete opposite of my previous gf. Shes a giver, very caring and ive been pleased with how things have been so far. but a thing that bothers me is how im prone to insecurity a lot more than I was before all this **** with my ex, and my current gf is a flirty type. Ive often noticed her and a friend of mine who we will call X being flirty but put it down to her nature.
Last week, however, I was at a little gathering at a friends house, with my gf and X . There was a LOT of drinking lol, and at some point in the night I stepped out for a bit of fresh air.
Well the other day I found out from three of my closest friends that while I was outside, my gf and X were very close, her pressing against him, they where whispering into each others ears for a few seconds and there was some kissing, but because of their state of mind at the time the details they could give me were hazy. So later that day I confronted my gf and told her calmly what I had heard. She said she could not remember much from that night, so she couldn’t say that it didn’t happen, but she is sure it is not the type of thing that she would do. She said that she sees X as no more than a friend, she said she would stop social drinking, she even offered to contact him to find out if he could remember what happened, as she couldn’t. when she did this he said he could not remember anything either. However the next day he spoke to me, told me he had been reminded of a few details by a mutual friend. He apologized, told me there was just a few kisses on the lips, no tongues etc.
So im wondering what you guys would do in my situation, because my insecurities that come from my previous relationship has distorted my views on what a reasonable reaction is. Is this the kind of thing you would forgive, and find a way to put behind or has she gone too far. im gonna be meeting her tomorrow so I want to know what the best thing to be saying to her is.

Thanks in advance


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
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Well I don't mean to be harsh or anything, but basically, she cheated on you.

She kissed some guy, on the lips.

i MIGHT be able to forgive a girl for flirting with a guy in an intoxicated state, depending on a lot of variables, but never kissing another guy on the lips. This is from my experience. The fact that she gave up drinking is a big deal, and I would have forgiven her if she had just flirted with this guy. BUT she kissed the guy. She kissed him. Think about how much passion and excitement there is when you kiss someone. She had that passion and excitement towards someone OTHER THAN YOU while she was going out with you. If that doesn't show disrespect, then I don't know what does.

I don't know, this is just me, but she pretty much totally forgot about you and kissed some other guy on the lips. Drunk or not, that is unacceptable. I would break it off with her. That's CHEATING. Dump her and never look back.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Let me ask you a question:

If you knew you could go and start dating three girls that where hotter then your current girlfriend, would you dump her?

I'm assuming your answer will be yes. Man, if she knows she can get away with this time, she knows she can get away with it in the future. Break up with her, and do yourself a favour and never get in an exclusive relationship again - until you meet your wife.

Your problem is you feel like shes the best you can get so you gotta hold on to her. You are worth more then that, you are worth alot more. Break up with her and go **** three chicks that are hotter.