Situation with a girl at school


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
New York, NY
Hey guys. I need a little advice about a girl I've been dating. Just a forewarning: this post is a little long, but please bear with me. I'm trying to give as many details as possible so you can understand my situation. A little background about myself: I'm new at this whole DJ thing, and I'm a 20 year old college student. I'm about an 8.5 in the looks department, but I'm a quiet guy which hurts me with the ladies. I'm not completely helpless when it comes to picking up women though, I mean I can go to a bar and pick up a 7 without too many problems. It's with the 8s and above that I start running into problems, cause it seems like they are the major game players.

Anyway, I met this girl through a mutual friend and we started talking online about 6 weeks ago. I would say she is an 8 on a scale of 10 as far as looks are concerned. So we talk casually online for a couple weeks, and then she says we should meet up, so I ask her out to dinner (about a month ago) for our first date. Everything goes great. The next week I go over to her place and watch her favorite TV show with her, we hold hands and that's it. On the third date, I kiss her for the first time. Our fourth time hanging out I invited her to my buddy's kegger and we end up getting partially undressed in my buddy's giant walk in closet before her friend knocks on the closet door and interrupts us haha. Then, last week she invites me over to her place again to watch her favorite TV show (this is Thursday the 8th) and have a few drinks with her roommates. I end up staying the night with her. I lose my glove somewhere in the mess that is her apartment, and the next morning she helps me look for it but it is nowhere to be found. So that next night (Friday the 9th) I'm walking home from a party at 1 am with my buddies and I realize that this girl's place is right on the walk home, so I give her a call and ask her if i can drop by to pick up my glove. She said she's in bed now but it's fine if i stop in. So i get over there and she's in her room with the lights out, her in the top bunk and her (female) roommate in the bottom bunk. They were just getting to sleep. So i dont stay long, i just say hello, pick up my glove and chat her up for about 5 minutes before leaving. I talk to her online on Sunday and then again on Tuesday (this week). I ask her if she wants to go out with me on Saturday night (the 17th) to celebrate being done with exams (cause exam week was this past week, which is why I didn't talk to her much). She said sorry, she had already made plans with her girl friends. So I said that's cool, what about Sunday night? And she said "hmm.... i'll let you know". I took the hint and said "k, goodnight" and signed off. That was on Tuesday, and I haven't called her or gone online to talk to her since then. Well today is Sunday and I'm thinking, the girl has probably lost interest in me by now. What are your guys' thoughts on the whole situation? Should I call her and ask her if she's made up her mind about tonight? Or should I just blow it off and next her? I'm leaning toward just moving on. Any tips?



Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Wait a few more days, and act indifferent to it all.

Build up a conversation and ask her somewhere, if she has plans again, drop her your number, tell her to have a good time and move on, let her chase.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score

If I were you, I'd be pre-nexting her. When I pre-next, I first delete her number from my phone and line up a better, alternative girl. That way, if she does call, you don't have to act indifferent (you actually are.) I love the feeling I get when I get a call on my phone from a number I don't have in memory. When she says "Hey X, what's up? Sorry I haven't called" and it could be any one of a dozen women. If she shows real interest I'll put her number back in, but she really has to work to get my time. Honestly, there are 8 billion women in the world so there is absolutely no reason, what-so-ever, to let one of them jerk you around and waste your time. Hell, she doesn't even have her own bed, much less her own room. Do you think it's going to be easy to score under those circumstances? Not having her own room is a deal breaker in my book.

One important thing though, regarding the night you slept over. Why didn't you have sex? Did you make a move and she stopped you, did you not make a move at all, was she on her period, or what? If you moved and she stopped you, I'd say you're still good. If you didn't make a move, I'd say give up.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
New York, NY
Nah, I didn't make a move to have sex with her the night I slept over at her place (last Thursday). I fingered her and she gave me a hand job. I had her down to nothing but her panties and no bra, but I didn't make a move to bang her because I didn't want to rush into things with her. To be honest, scoring with her wasn't my number one objective. I'm looking for a relationship. I mean don't get me wrong, I wanna bang her as much as the next guy that sees her, but I also want to see if a relationship will work and so I decided not to rush it. Honestly though, it was only the fifth time we saw eachother.

But maybe I should've just made a move anyway. Lord knows I wanted to bang her, and it's definitely not that I was afraid to make a move, because with most women I wouldn't have given it a second thought. It's just that this one was somehow different in that I wanted her as a girlfriend rather than as just some girl who I hit and quit as in the case of my previous encounters with women. Whatever the case may be, I did something wrong with this one, otherwise she'd have said yes to the date with me on Sunday night rather than "hmm... I'll let you know." Unless she's trying to play hard to get and wanted me to make a follow-up call about dinner to test my persistence. Who knows. Anyway, I appreciate the advice. Any more opinions are welcome.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'd say move on. If she calls you, that's great. But if you move on and get some other girl or go enjoy life or whatever you do, that's great as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Spastic? I'll give you spastic. Why don't you lick a goat's ass-neck, you jive-ass chode sucking ****nut? 8 billion, 3 billion, it makes no difference to YOU because you'll be lucky to get two or three (fat ones) in your lifetime. Take that big book of statistics and slap yourself in the face with it. The exact population of the world is NOT the point. The point is that there are lots of women. Now slap yourself again.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
my advice would be for you to sit tight.. your doin ok..she obviously likes you.. dont call her though for about a week or so.... if she hasnt called you by then ( i think she will) if she hasnt, THEN give her one more call and act indifferent on the phone... tell her you hope she had a good time with the girls etc etc but DON'T ask her out.. see if she does it first.. if not, move on.. at least it happened sooner rather than later eh !!