sitting next to the hottest girl in class...but there is c*ckblock


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
School started yesterday and as i was waiting in my seat for class to start i take a look around to see if there were any cute girls. Then the cutest girl i see walks thru the door and sits directly to my right. We make eye contact and smile. Class starts and everyone is quiet. After class, I introduce myself and ask her questions about herself. I kept asking HER questions and didn't say much about myself to keep mysterious till we had to split. Next day we sit in the same spots and have small talk conversations, however, this time there is a stupid f****t sitting in front of me who starts talking to her as well. How would you act to a girl that sits right next to you the whole semester and how do you keep her interested in you other than the other guys in class?


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I would let her know I'm interested by initiating a flirtatious conversation and possibly arranging to call/see her alone. That would probably make you stand out from the other guys that are asking the same damn question.

Remember: it's OK to not have game. It's not OK to be a *****. Put the ball in her court, realistically judge how she reacts, and go from there.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
This isn't a tip so you should try to get the mods to move it to the discussion page. The amount of traffic there is much higher and you will get many more responses without knocking down the actual tips on this page that people have spent time on, field tested and are sharing with the community.

Okay, so yesterday was your first day of class right. Just because this girl sat next to you does not mean that you have rights to her. Truthfully you do not know her, she is not your property, and the act of sitting next to you is not insuring you to get laid by her in the future. Harsh? Not really, more truthful than anything. Dont get your hopes up to soon. So wait, has she sat next to you the whole semester or just yesterday which was the first day of class?

This guy isn't a ****block. He is just getting to meet this girl and likely will try to close with her soon. Despite what you may be lead to believe good looking girls get hit on all the time. In the real world competition is all over and always in the face of good looking women. Do you even know if she is single anyways?

If you date good looking girls than you should fully expect that every time they walk out their door, go to class, or run to the grocery store they are being hit on. So both you and this guy might be ****blocking her boyfriend who isn't in this class or keeping tabs on her 24/7.

I would suggest that instead of playing the mystery game you try and close with her as soon as possible.

In the simplest form relationships follow a similar pattern. Initiate, isolate, and penetrate. You've initiated so you've accomplished a third of your goals now try to isolate.


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
my bad...i didnt even notice that i was in the tips discussion...thanks for the adive anyhow


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
What if the guy that sits in front of you post here asking how to stop the guy that sits in the back of him from ****blocking him. :p

Its like two opposing nation going to war and is praying to the same god for help.:crackup: