Single girl seemed annoyed I was talking to girl with b/f


New Member
Jul 8, 2014
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New Jersey
Is this a sign of attraction?

I was at a house party last night and was laying on a hammock with some random girl. We were a foot apart with our feet still dangling off the sides, almost like we were sitting.

When I got up another girl (whom I know and was the host of the party) said to me "You know that girl has a boyfriend, so you should stay away." or in so many words. She seemed a little annoyed by it, but not sure.

This morning I brought it up again and she said "I told you she had a boyfriend because I was being nice.", like she was trying to save me the trouble.

What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
notgoinganywhere14 said:
Is this a sign of attraction?

I was at a house party last night and was laying on a hammock with some random girl. We were a foot apart with our feet still dangling off the sides, almost like we were sitting.

When I got up another girl (whom I know and was the host of the party) said to me "You know that girl has a boyfriend, so you should stay away." or in so many words. She seemed a little annoyed by it, but not sure.

This morning I brought it up again and she said "I told you she had a boyfriend because I was being nice.", like she was trying to save me the trouble.

What do you think?
In my opinion, there was no point in bringing it up in the first place.

As for the host, :crazy: looks to me like someone is buthurt from lack of attention :p . Going further, why was she so protective of her ? I mean its a person with brainz so she can do fine on her own. As for ''being nice'' she means '' being a bytch ''

That is if the first girl in question actually even has a boyfriend.:p