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Signs from women..when not persuing her?


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
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When you are not activly hitting on or trying to seduce from a woman, what are some signs that ppl have noticed women give when they are feeling different about you, and not you about them?

Its one thing when you are trying to take things to a different can tell if she is interested cause you test things and they work or dont......

What if you arent trying then can you tell she is changing her opinion in you? Obviously you arent doing things differently and things insider her have changed.

Has anyone ever just been cool with someone and then they are started doing things differently? What was it?

Girls can suddenly get attracted accidently to a man just like men do with women...its happens alot less....nonetheless, it still happens.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 24, 2003
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this is called PAIMAI

Read formhandle's site ( on PAIMAI -- this is extremely IMPORTANT and can be lethal.........


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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It's interesting how this post did not receive more responses. It's actually a good topic.

I have had this happen before, and in my experience, it depends on the type of girl you're looking at. If she is very extroverted, the signs will be pretty obvious. There will be more interrogating into the relationship territory (do you have a GF? what type of girl do you like?, "we should do something", etc.)

However, it's the more introverted ones that are the most difficult to read. There are almost no signs, and the smallest seemingly insignificant thing will turn out to be a significant sign.

For example, a shy girl agreeing to go grab a coffee with you will mean more than if an extroverted one did. This one girl I know now is pretty shy, but she did little things to show that she's thinking about me when we're not together, which is a good sign.

A good trick that accidentally worked for me is that I showed a girl some old pictures that involved an activity that we were both involved in when we were younger, and the next day, she would bring me old pictures of her and her past without me even asking about it, or even like a week later, she would bring pictures (which is even more telling). Also, she'd tell me about how she tells her family about me (another pretty good sign).

Anyways, just my thoughts.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
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East Middle North America, near the water.
becker's bringing some good points to the table here. I started a thread on a fairly similar subject a while back, so you could find some good info here:

Shy girls are the hardest to read. I've been chasing one for a while, but reading her interest level has made closing a difficult thing (along with being friends with her, etc.). I noticed one thing she does... during the times she's not dating a guy she'll call me about stupid stuff fairly often, but without fail during the times she is dating a guy, the calls to me stop.

Something else, if she's interested in you she'll be looking at you a lot. But the problem with this is women are very good at stealing glances at guys and then turning their eye contact away as not to be noticed. They are much, much, much better at it than guys, and in fact it's a skill for a guy to be able to catch them in the act. What women don't realize is that while they're looking at you, as your head is turned away from them, it's obvious to your friends that the chick is staring at you. If you're not good at catching them in the act, tell your friends to pay attention to where she's looking. My friends tell me that this shy girl I know is always looking at me while we're in church, but I've never seen her looking at me once.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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MDGood, that last thread was definitely a good one, anyone should check that out.

I just experienced something else that is pretty interesting. This girl i know now I'd date in a second and is total LTR material if she didn't have a BF. I pretty much never called her though, and any relationship we had was in person, but we saw each other 5 out of 7 days of the week. We no longer see each other much since we had class together and we sat next to each other.

Anyways, I have called her a few times and we have talked pretty freely on the phone, more freely than before. I never liked talking on the phone, and even now, I keep the conversation at 5-10 minutes max. It's good conversation though. Her parents also know me now, and partly because she has talked to them about me, and I'm on a first name basis with them after a very short time. I think they like me because her mom was very nice to me on the phone last time I called and I've only met and said hello to her once before. We grew up with the same childhood experiences, so that helps a lot.

Well, the thing is, this girl seems more comfortable on the phone than in person sometimes, and she had more to say. I think girls seem to like the phone in general more than in-person confrontations all the time, whereas guys seem to like the in-person approach more. Guess it's because guys are more visual and they assume that making it visual will make it easier for them to work their magic.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
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Thanks for the reply

Becker and others who have posted to my question...i appreciate it. I like to think i have a lot of hypothetical ideas to bring to the board, but a lot of ppl want to talk about the same situations over and over.

Anyway, we are speaking of getting signals from girls that maybe we werent pursuing and how it the situation works very differently when you arent giving opportunites to gauge her interest.

Basically what we are trying to explore girls give us signs when we arent looking for them or expecting them or even when we think they arent attracted to us and its a friend thing.

Its easy to see if a girl is noticing or digging you when you are activly looking, however, what if you are not looking for these signs, than what else does she do?

ALso you mention shy girls. I think getting a shy girl to open up is a great sign of some interest. Have you ever first met a girl, could barely get a hello, than you hang out and she will drop hints but as you said they are subtle. However, you two have become so comfortable in eachothers company that the sign does seem that big, because you are so comfortable. Does this make sense?

Its one thing if she is shy and gives a sign, thats awesome, you gotta run with it........but what if you are close now that you forget if she was shy because she isnt that way towards you anymore. SO you get a sign from her, but you dont think much of it cause you think its a friendly thing or that she does that alot, when in fact we may be wrong cause she is going out on a limb, we jsut cant recognize.

I hope that makes sense, and i hope people think about it. Because it is important and it probably happens more than we think. SHy girls arent going to hit on you or jump your bones they will give you signs, but we just have to help eachother realize,
that the signs depend on the girls opennes and personality.

I hope we can have more discussion on this ...............peace.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MDgood
becker's bringing some good points to the table here. I started a thread on a fairly similar subject a while back, so you could find some good info here:

Shy girls are the hardest to read. I've been chasing one for a while, but reading her interest level has made closing a difficult thing (along with being friends with her, etc.). I noticed one thing she does... during the times she's not dating a guy she'll call me about stupid stuff fairly often, but without fail during the times she is dating a guy, the calls to me stop.

Something else, if she's interested in you she'll be looking at you a lot. But the problem with this is women are very good at stealing glances at guys and then turning their eye contact away as not to be noticed. They are much, much, much better at it than guys, and in fact it's a skill for a guy to be able to catch them in the act. What women don't realize is that while they're looking at you, as your head is turned away from them, it's obvious to your friends that the chick is staring at you. If you're not good at catching them in the act, tell your friends to pay attention to where she's looking. My friends tell me that this shy girl I know is always looking at me while we're in church, but I've never seen her looking at me once.
I think I meant to respond to this post. This girl that I was talking about in this thread also seemed to look toward me a lot (I can see it out of my peripheral vision) and when I look over, she's looking out into space sort of past me. It's difficult to catch them in the act, but sometimes you can, if you're quick. I caught her a few times, but at the same time, if you catch them, it can make them feel awkward, so I usually just let her look and I don't try to catch her.