signs from ex gf?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
my ex and I broke up last year around this time. we had some differences that we couldn't seem to fix at that time. Since our break up she's messaged me 2-3 times I never replied since I moved on, and I know that lingering feelings can create problems.

3 weeks ago I get a message from her around midnight (it was just my name "tylerrrr") I ignored it as usual. I felt a little bad for ignoring her so I messaged her back the next day, we began messaging back and forth like we used to. She mentioned that she was upset that I "never reply" her texts or online messages.

We messaged back and forth a few more times catching up on old stuff, she told me where she was working and asked me to come visit. I played it casual and didn't message her again for awhile.

I was curious about her interest level so I dropped by her work to say hi today. She seemed really happy and excited. We talked for about 15-20 minutes (i know I should've cut it short and left at the high point). Some things we talked about:
- My status with other girls that she knew of
- My new dog (she asked to come see the dog sometime)
- Talked about some guys that have been chasing her.
- She stated again that I never message her anymore.

She didn't talk about her bf until I asked, she seemed to get a little nervous and said that things with her boyfriend weren't really working out. Around that time her bf came by and brought her some lunch. We finished our convo and I left.

She messaged me a few minutes later and thanked me for visiting.

I'm curious what are your thoughts..

-Is she looking to get back at her bf for flirting with other girls?
-Is she genuinely interested?
-Is she simply on the rebound/looking for attention?


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
saw an ex-fling at a party last night and she came out of nowhere!!! she grabbin on me and seemed really excited to see me...She saw some media commercials i've done and she knew i was going to be at the party....

It just made me realize what i used to have and what i dont have now LMAO!!

I've got a rule never to Back-track...our thing was like 2 years ago and the first time i saw her since that moment it was at another party a couple months back....

I got so nervous and upset for seeing her for the first time after a year and a Half I had to go F%ck some other girl!!! lol

do what i did...but back-tracking is for those who dont believe in getting something better....and there is always somebody better than the ex out here...I'm done chasing women though....i believe women should chase us or its not worth having her....we are the real catch...for the simple fact women cant live without having men for a long time but men, when focused on something we can go without women way longer than they can do without us...


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
You may want to ask this question to our homosexual member named "ELMER GANTRY". PM him if you can. Coming from a gay point of view, he has answers that will solve your problems. Look him up! Good luck!


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Ive been in this situation. Basically, she is reaching out to the last person she had feelings for. She is vulnerable and sad, and she once had something with you so she feels comfortable around you. Things are rocky with her ex, so she wants to know that she still has some attractiveness even if its from an ex. You can easily have sex, so go for that if you want. Sometimes thats all they want, or say they want.

Think of it this way, if you know a girl had a crush on you, or you had sex with someone, you will always think, that you have a chance. No matter what, because at one point in your life, you had the chance. Its the same thing with your ex. She once had you, its a challenge to see if she still can.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Badmannaz said:
I'm done chasing women though....i believe women should chase us or its not worth having her....we are the real catch...for the simple fact women cant live without having men for a long time but men, when focused on something we can go without women way longer than they can do without us...
And this, gents, is what it all boils down to. This is the only rational conclusion you can reach from all the things you have studied, observed, and learned.

I came here to learn how to chase women; I have instead discovered to chase life itself.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
over the hedge
im in a similar situation.. still friends with an ex and we hang out if we are both bored cos we live near by.. sex is pretty easy if i want it.. but sometimes she can be a bit distant.. its like, she does try to find other guys but shes not all that into it... either shes not feeling it or too much bad experience.. i dunno what... but last week we didnt talk for almost the whole week and i deleted some of her pics off my FB cos I just thought it was wierd to still have them there... I think those 2 things triggered something in her cos she went and deleted all my from hers and left a comment directed at me basically saying "thats fine if thats how u want it"... Either way we hung out most of the weekend. She mentioned the facebook thing and i said that maybe shes right and it was a bit dumb... but either way she was ALOT more initiating with touching, sex adn everything for those days.... its like what someone said above. In someways shes sad and cant be bothered with other guys bull**** for a while. Im guessing, not to sound ****y, but im just the guy shes closest too and stuff and the coolest dude she knows....some girls dont like to just throw it all away if u ahvent especially DLV'd yourself out of her life (its almost like this is waht your supposed to do, or atleast get mad and give them their reason for resenting you).... to be honest ive found this has happened to me alot... If agirl is dating me, but goes off with someone else "just to see"... if im always indifferent to the situation... theyve always come back in one way or another... especially if ive built good rapport....


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Interesting feedback, thanks everyone.

From the sounds of it, I'm interesting to her right now because of our past relationship and because I haven't been hanging around her 24/7 like the other guys. I've seen both her ex bf's and from what I can see, yes I'm definitely better than them in the success/education/ personality sense.

Right now I don't want a relationship with her or any other girl, I would like to have sex with her again though.

Any ideas on how to proceed? Keep in contact but don't give her too much attention? Or should I appeal to her more wounded side w/her bf (give her some empathy, caring)


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
MY ANGEL-SIDE OPINION= If she has a boyfriend it is not a good move to get with her

MY DEVIL-SIDE OPINION= Lead her on f%ck her brains out...and then leave her again YEAAAAH!!!! woo!!

MY OPINION BASED OFF EXPERIENCE = I saw my ex and the first thing that crossed my mind was "man she's still so f#cking adorable....

But then the 2nd thing that crossed my mind was the year it took me to get over that b#tch and during that whole time i've never had more beautiful and felt more miserable in my entire life...Who knew i would become a DJ (meaning b4nging girls i couldnt get on my best days -true story-) and feeling terrible at the same time...

the girl seems complicated...dont go back...let my Nightmare save you from yours dude...I promise you will find better and something you thought you'd never find....for the simple found you can find another...


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
^ wow I can def relate to what you're saying. Thinking back to the highs and lows of the relationship really reminds me of why guys like us have the don't back-track rule.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Dude, this girl is just trying to keep you in the loop just in case her bf is out of the picture. Don't go back!

It's funny how this happens. I was dating this girl a couple months back, then she got with a buddy from our social circle and I stopped seeing her. I saw her here and there at parties but I didn't care, she was old news. But then last week she called me at 3am. Who knows what for. Then I saw her last weekend at my cousin's house and when she saw me pull in with me new car she was just eyeballin'! I could sense her interest level! It was so high! And she was being touchy and trying to talk to me it was funny! Then I left without saying bye and she ran upstairs and said, "Why didn't you say bye to me?"

HAHAHA! I love this game!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
bankai, people are going to pick your post apart like they know your life to the letter. But you did nothing wrong. Maybe she'll leave that guy, maybe not. Maybe she's right for you, maybe not. There are no perfect standard answers.

Seems you have done the right thing: no neediness, just a little contact, where you keep it short and casual. No favors done for her. Good signs are that she tells you she wants more PMs, she wants to see your dog - she is reaching out for you, not the other way around. No one here can tell what's going to happen with that. Good luck with this girl and with other ones.

Falcon25 said:
You may want to ask this question to our homosexual member named "ELMER GANTRY". PM him if you can. Coming from a gay point of view, he has answers that will solve your problems. Look him up! Good luck!
Saw two posts by Falcon25 about PMing this Elmer Gantry and someone else. Is that why he got banned?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for all the replies, biggest thing I got from this thread is that I have power. I've somehow forgotten it and just needed some reminding.

Woke up with some extra confidence, took care of my business, sent my ex some texts - kept control the entire time and had her eating out of my hand... her message "why aren't you writing me back?! :'( "

Now that she realizes what she's missing, and now that I have my power back. It's time for me to carry move on and do my own thing again.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
bankai said:
Thanks for all the replies, biggest thing I got from this thread is that I have power. I've somehow forgotten it and just needed some reminding.

Woke up with some extra confidence, took care of my business, sent my ex some texts - kept control the entire time and had her eating out of my hand... her message "why aren't you writing me back?! :'( "

Now that she realizes what she's missing, and now that I have my power back. It's time for me to carry move on and do my own thing again.

u shouldnt have to Chase something thats supposed to be yours... yes a little tug and pull but if she doesnt realize how good u where then that's her loss...i hit my Ex chick up and she didnt reply back....i honestly wish i would have never saw her again....but whatever...she doesn't exist....i'll make sure that the best thing that happened was not being with her the next time she see's me and that's a life to the fullest...and never look back

samson smith

New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
bankai said:
my ex and I broke up last year around this time. we had some differences that we couldn't seem to fix at that time. Since our break up she's messaged me 2-3 times I never replied since I moved on, and I know that lingering feelings can create problems.

3 weeks ago I get a message from her around midnight (it was just my name "tylerrrr") I ignored it as usual. I felt a little bad for ignoring her so I messaged her back the next day, we began messaging back and forth like we used to. She mentioned that she was upset that I "never reply" her texts or online messages.

We messaged back and forth a few more times catching up on old stuff, she told me where she was working and asked me to come visit. I played it casual and didn't message her again for awhile.

I was curious about her interest level so I dropped by her work to say hi today. She seemed really happy and excited. We talked for about 15-20 minutes (i know I should've cut it short and left at the high point). Some things we talked about:
- My status with other girls that she knew of
- My new dog (she asked to come see the dog sometime)
- Talked about some guys that have been chasing her.
- She stated again that I never message her anymore.

She didn't talk about her bf until I asked, she seemed to get a little nervous and said that things with her boyfriend weren't really working out. Around that time her bf came by and brought her some lunch. We finished our convo and I left.

She messaged me a few minutes later and thanked me for visiting.

I'm curious what are your thoughts..

-Is she looking to get back at her bf for flirting with other girls?
-Is she genuinely interested?
-Is she simply on the rebound/looking for attention?
Wow!! very nice sharing!!