If any of you ever took any psychology classes in high school or in college you are familiar with Sigmund Freud and some of his wierd theories. However, I do think one of them is correct due to first hand experience.
I suffer from an anxiety disorder known as OCD. OCD is characterized by intrusive, unwanted, persistant thoughts that are accompanied by anxiety. These thoughts are bizarre, a product of one's own mind (unlike schizophrenia) and usually not related to real life problems. (e.g. a person has obessions about germs, but feels to need to wash his hands 50X a day, eventhough deep down he knows it is ridiculous). get to my point. I remember Freud mentioned something about a person who had disturbing thoughts about stealing. Freud said these thoughts are triggerred due to the persons unconscious guilt about masterbation. Once the person ceases masterbating, the thoughts ceased or were seriously abated.
I notice, when I do not wack it (I am on my 4th day now) my anxiety disorder gets much better and I do not suffer from unwanted repetitive thoughts as much. I think Freud was definitely onto something.......
I suffer from an anxiety disorder known as OCD. OCD is characterized by intrusive, unwanted, persistant thoughts that are accompanied by anxiety. These thoughts are bizarre, a product of one's own mind (unlike schizophrenia) and usually not related to real life problems. (e.g. a person has obessions about germs, but feels to need to wash his hands 50X a day, eventhough deep down he knows it is ridiculous). get to my point. I remember Freud mentioned something about a person who had disturbing thoughts about stealing. Freud said these thoughts are triggerred due to the persons unconscious guilt about masterbation. Once the person ceases masterbating, the thoughts ceased or were seriously abated.
I notice, when I do not wack it (I am on my 4th day now) my anxiety disorder gets much better and I do not suffer from unwanted repetitive thoughts as much. I think Freud was definitely onto something.......