You think girls in your HS suck?! I'm a good looking **** [keep in mind I'm 15]:
And today, I was dressed impeckably. Khaki's [dockers, nice pants], white undershirt [tight jockey] that could be seen udner the collar of my Express For Men navy blue dress shirt. Walking out of gym class I had my shirt untucked and unbuttoned my muscles showin thru my undershirt. Prolly the sexiest I've looked in the last month
I walk bye a group of girls in my grade, who are COMPLETLY intimidated by me/my sexual zeal. And they MOCK ME for being good looking:
"ooo, look at fabio!" - in a cynical manner, then all her friends laughed @ me.
So no, being good looking doesn't mean HS girls will flock to you. You have to both be good looking and non-intimidating, and you have to conform like the rest of them. I've casually dated a few girls from my school, mostly juniors/seniors. Girls get better as they get older, but for the love of god, HS girls suck.
Oh, and for you vengence junkies out there, I replied:
"Ya, your right... I am way outta your league <debonair smile>"
Trying to weed thru all the immature girls to find a nice one my age is the biggest pain in the ass ever, be lucky you dont go to my school.