Shy good girls?


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
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I went out with a girl 3 times, she likes me a lot, she writes to me every day and always wants to see me but we haven't had sex yet.

She is a good girl who is sometimes shy, speaks little and is very affectionate.

I feel good but I don't understand what you're waiting for to have sex.

I already tried to take her home but she didn't want to.

I don't have a real specific question about this girl but more generally about this type of situation.

What's the point of waiting so long for sex?

What if we don't get along well in bed?

They don't understand that they can make us wait a month but if after having sex we want to dump them we do it anyway.

Do they think they want to create emotional dependence or make you fall in love before sex?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
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Wilmington, DE
Women don't make sense.

I had a girl in college who I hung out with who said she didn't want to move too fast because she liked me. When I told her I didn't want anything serious right now she just went "oh ok, then let's fu**".

If you're 33 and this girl hasn't been sexual with you after 3 dates, and hasn't provided a good reason beyond "she didn't want to" then I don't know why you're still wasting time with her.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2023
Reaction score
She wants to go slowly, she is or plays the part of the good girl. I feel good about it but if we don't get to sex on the next date I won't go out with her anymore.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
She wants to go slowly, she is or plays the part of the good girl. I feel good about it but if we don't get to sex on the next date I won't go out with her anymore.
Tell her indirectly in advance that you aren't waiting around.

You also need to make sure you have done your part by getting her turned on and wanting sex. Simply telling her you want to fuhk doesn't count.

How close have you been to having sex with her? What did you do to lead up to it?
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
What's the point of waiting so long for sex?
You're not exciting her enough.
You're not rocking her world.
You're not her prize.
You're... not.
Maybe, not yet.
Maybe not at all.
Maybe never.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2023
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Next time you hang out with her, try to use some spiritual comments to help her feel safer and more bonded with you. You need to engage her a little to open up. Maybe try something like, “every moment with you feels like time stands still and nothing else matters,” “Let’s create a moment that feels like a dream, just you and me and the night,” or the classic, “I just watched a movie that reminded me of you, and it made me realize how strong our connection is.” If you get physical and she is still hesitant, fall back on telling her how good the connection is and how bonded you feel. It sound better in our romantic languages.

If all else fails, next time you see her act cold or even better, get mad at her for some petty stuff; like break up with her because she is too shy for you. This might encourage her to put in more effort in the relationship and try to win you over.

As for her perspective, she probably sees you as a conqueror who easily attracts others, and the worst thing she could do is make herself an easy target, fearing you might discard her quickly. She likely wants to give you a good chase and test your patience.
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Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
I went out with a girl 3 times, she likes me a lot, she writes to me every day and always wants to see me but we haven't had sex yet.

She is a good girl who is sometimes shy, speaks little and is very affectionate.

I feel good but I don't understand what you're waiting for to have sex.

I already tried to take her home but she didn't want to.

I don't have a real specific question about this girl but more generally about this type of situation.

What's the point of waiting so long for sex?

What if we don't get along well in bed?

They don't understand that they can make us wait a month but if after having sex we want to dump them we do it anyway.

Do they think they want to create emotional dependence or make you fall in love before sex?
No such thing. They are "shy" to you; not to someone they fall for.