Shy Girl Tips needed


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score

I've met this woman that is somewhat shy and religious. Which i'm fine with. I'm almost 30 and looking at long-term with a decent girl; I'm not looking for the hot "easy" chick anymore.

However, it's throwing a serious wrench into my game. I normally don't have a problem getting women, making moves, conversing, etc (Of course, most of my experiences were with very open chicks)

So here i have found whats IMO the right type of girl to pursue. Making this romance is turning out to be more difficult than im accostumed to.

I knew her for about a month before we started dated...she works at one of the stores im an independent contractor for...we talked very briefly at the time about once a week then i asked her out....its not a corporate/professional environment or anything so no worries about dating co-workers :D

So far, I've taken her to two concerts (with friends), dinner, and today we had lunch. I haven't even kissed her. Yeah i know, get with the program (this is the longest i've ever went without kissing the girl).

We've had some great conversations. She's obviously still interested in me otherwise she wouldn't be accepting my offers to go on dates, but i can't help but feel my @ss is gonna end up in the "friendszone" if I don't get on the ball.
Yet, it's apparent to me from being around her she isn't just gonna let me jump her bones after a few dates. Which is great, because if i was looking for that i wouldnt be dating her, I'd find something easier instead of spending so much time on her.

At the same time, it sucks because she isn't much of a flirt, she is too shy to maintain long eye gazing...and my normal instincts; when to make moves, etc have basically flew out the window in the midst of her shy/less-open behavior.

What do you do with shy/goody-girl types that aren't hobags?...that are hard to read.
I need i need to go do something besides type long @ss messages on the internet.......peace


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
i guess that. she sees you confident enough. hopefully funny and interesting too. what you have to build is trust. and that takes time.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
mcs said:
i guess that. she sees you confident enough. hopefully funny and interesting too. what you have to build is trust. and that takes time.
That's what i figured. So i'm gonna have to take things slower than usual; build trust in such a way that she still sees me romantically and not as just a friend.
She is out of town this week, when she gets back I'm gonna take her out on another date....something where the two of us have a little more privacy...we've only been on two dates really that were "romantic", on the other two, my buddies were around.