Dave, my man, I can tell you what I do
on cold apparoaches with success that is to my satisfaction and one of my pals who is a natural DJ when we go out to clubs or bars.
We simply go up to the woman of interest, introduce ourselves, and get their name in return. My next question usually is something as simple as "so what brings you to a wild place like this tonight?" This is funny when it is not a wild place.
The woman would say something like
"oh it is my friend's birthday?"
Then I would say something like "do you only come out on birthdays?"
-this is just to get her to say something else that I can better use to
carry the conversation such as her saying "Well, she is my best friend and I drove all the way from Atlanta just to help her celebrate her birthday."
Bingo! She just told me she is from Atlanta. Now I can use Atlanta in many different ways since I have been there and hear so much about it. I can keep her talking at this point. I throw in some humor with funny facial expressions and animation (my personal gimmick that usally gets at least a smile).
So I don't try many tricks during the first phase of my approach. I concentrate on flow. To keep up a good flow, I will always use the response my target gives me to keep the conversation rolling. Eventually, I slip in some humor, maybe a short funny story, or some physical animation or gestures to hold their interest, and eventually kino (usually by the time I get to the animated humor, she will be the one initiating some form of touch- the "you so crazy" light punch on the shoulder or something). After all of this, I expect to get the number with no problems. My friend doesn't do as much as I.
My friend usually just have a casual conversation with humor and some form of touching, take her to the dance floor for a lot of up close dancing and touching.
In other words, I wouldn't be concerned with trying some rocket science approach initially. Approach woman of interest-ask her a simple or interesting question- use her responses to make the conversation flow. Don't interrupt her!
Once you have mastered carrying the conversation in a bar on a cold approach (practice makes perfect as always) then you willl learn how to throw in the other stuff like getting her excited as quick as possible to get the number and move on.
I believe that if you begin by trying to use everything you learned in the Bible on cold approaches all on one approach, you will master none of them. Don't concentrate on the number; concentrate on the conversation i.e. every single word that comes out of her mouth with a look of feigned interest if she is boring.
You may not "hit" most of your targets initially as you are becoming more effective with the technique, shaping and molding it to your own style.
The more you do it, the quicker you will become very natural at it.
BTW, I use this technique on the streets, in the bar, in the airport, at the pool, in the grocery store, at the mall, at the stop light, and so on. An approach is an approach. so-