I've been dropping by every now and then for about 15 years. I'm 50 now and have attractive women constantly hitting on me. I am not rich, I am fat and bald. My goal has always been to get women to hit on me, not for me to creep out and use weird tricks. I hear a lot about "pick-up artist", but isn't the art making them pursue you?
Take for instance Friday evening. I am bicycling to meet an ex. At a stop light a woman pulls up next to me. I notice her. Fit, good looking, and about 35. She asks me if I am a farmer (because of a t-shirt I am wearing) and we strike up a conversation. We ride about four blocks when I let her know I need to turn. "Oh I live that way!" We ride another mile together. Just short of my destination she asks me to stop and gives me her phone number and tickets to a show.
Let's face it, we are mature men. We don't need the "alpha" bull****. Women are attracted to us. Should we not try to cultivate this rather than devolve into tricks?
Can we discuss "setting the stage" aka creating the conditions for attractiveness?
Take for instance Friday evening. I am bicycling to meet an ex. At a stop light a woman pulls up next to me. I notice her. Fit, good looking, and about 35. She asks me if I am a farmer (because of a t-shirt I am wearing) and we strike up a conversation. We ride about four blocks when I let her know I need to turn. "Oh I live that way!" We ride another mile together. Just short of my destination she asks me to stop and gives me her phone number and tickets to a show.
Let's face it, we are mature men. We don't need the "alpha" bull****. Women are attracted to us. Should we not try to cultivate this rather than devolve into tricks?
Can we discuss "setting the stage" aka creating the conditions for attractiveness?