Shouldn't girls know when enough is enough?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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There's this one girl I know, and I'm actually kind of friends with her, although I wish I wasn't. In reality, she's really a *****. I don't know if she means it or not, but the ways she treats my friends is horrible. She's mesmerizing. She really is, and I can see why my friends and other guys get hooked up on her, but enough is enough. I have 3 really good friends who all have a giant hang up on her, and she has a bf. They all have oneitis for her, and they're all best friends. Today, what really pissed me off was when another guy, whom also has a thing for this girl, decided to talk **** about one of my friends. I told him to stfu in front of her, and she got mad at me, I wanted to call her a *****, but i held my tongue for unknown reasons.

She tries to talk to me everyday, and I don't want to be a part of that. I really don't. She talks trash about mine and her friends, and I'm not standing for this **** anymore. She's just another girl, and she shouldn't be pulling this ****. The problem is the fact that she truly is mesmerizing. I don't have oneitis for her or anything, but I honestly am infatuated with her. I just want this ***** to settle the **** down.

She needs to stop toying with my friends, and stop attempting to make me her ***** because I've been a girl's ***** before, and I'll never, and I repeat never go back to living in AFCland just hoping for a chance to get the girl. I told this girl that if she had a problem with people she needed to tell it to their face, and stop using them, and she took offense to that as well. **** that. Screw that *****. I'm not talking to her anymore, and I'm not going to let her control me the way she does my friends.

I think I know what needs to be done, and I don't care about the consequences.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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So much drama over a loud mouthed b!tch. You and your friends - if you hadn't mentioned the gender, I'd have thought that you're a bunch of teenage girls.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
It was kind of hard to read your thread Jokerisk,I mean so many of the words are bleeped out.:D But from what I could gather,you said something about a girl who talking trash about people,and she even has some of your friends hung up on her. That's growth man. Even though this girl is "mesmerizing" as you say,your DJ skills have obviously made you immune to her oneitis causing beauty. I'm impressed,but you scared me a little with that last comment.
What do you mean by you know what needs to be done,and you don't care about the consequences? What do you plan on doing?
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Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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take her to the bedroom and make her your art gallery!
put her on top n show her your d!ck got batteries in it
the bedroom where you make families in it
make her lose calories in it!


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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lmao slickaz.
I've put *****es in their place before, and although this girl isn't what I would consider a *****, she is on the borderline of it. I was just angry, and I'm not going to do anything stupid. Instead, I'm not going to acknowledge her as an equal. I'm not going to acknowledge her very much at all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Neg hits. It's how you deal with Attention *****s. They go crazy to try and get your attention. Putting her in her place will most likely make her go crazy for you. The one man bold enough to stand up and tell her to cut the bull**** is a bold man. If she tries to pull **** on your friends again, put her in her place.