shoulder stiffness, precautions to take for the future?


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I've been lifting seriously for about a year. For the past two weeks my right shoulder has been kind of stiff. I've been carefully watching my form but two years ago when I was 17 i did a hard set of Db presses and the 'bells swayed back and pulled my shoulder.

I didnt feel any pain afterwards so I just let it be. And I'm not sure if my current stiffness is due to that one time two years ago.

Anyway, its not really painful to rotate or anything but I just notice that it's stiffer than my right shoulder.

I am resting this week and getting back to the weight room on Monday (taking it slowly). I've also been doing DC's shoulder broomstick therapy which has been said to work wonders.

I don't want to start taking glucosamine or anything like that, but I will be increasing my flaxseed and making sure I get all my vits/mins.

So for all of you guys who've had previous injuries what can you recommend me do to stay injury free and protect my joints as my weights move up?

I'm kind of paranoid and don't want to turn something recreational into something that will impare me in the long run. But I will try as hard as I can to keep my form and take a break when my body tells me to.

Thanks for the replies. Oh, and to Warboss and the other guys who contribute to this board - great job and keep up the good work. :)


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
I had tenonitis on my shoulders when i was younger.
But as luck would have it when i started lifting heavy weights my shoulder fixed itself.
I have heard that sometimes a back in an specific area may be caused by a weaker supporting muslce.
eg back pain caused by weak abs

could help to make sure you work all 3 parts of your delts and change grips to wider if it hruts

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Just another reminder why form is so important! Keep the form good and the weight controlled, if you feel that you can't control the weight at some point during the set then stop it there and then; DC's broomstick therapy does indeed work wonders.

I've had shoulder problems before, all down to crappy form.

Don't be afraid, just make sure YOU and not the dumbbell is in control, and you'll be fine bro. Don't let your ego take over and keep the weights as low as necessary for proper control and technique.

Oh, and if you're doing upright rows, stop 'em!