For a simple date, NO! After having sex, maybe, if very late. After she leaves YOUR house and has to drive very late, yes, ok to do.
Can't believe people actually get caught up over $hit like this, and put so much emphazis on the act rather than on the motive behind it. The fact that you do signals you are confused and not sure of yourself to do what you feel is the right thing, without worrying about wether you did the right thing.
If you two just had sex and it is time to drive home, YES, it is ok, and probably a good thing to tell her to call you. If she's leaving your house after some hot sex, and she must drive late at night/morning, then showing a little concern won't hurt you, yet it might show your caring side, in a good way.
Caring a little won't hurt you, unless you already have enough excuses for her to consider you an afc. He who has his $hit together need not worry about how he will come across when doing this. If she is having sex with you because she is already very much into you is very different than doing it because you are afraid she won't want to continue sleeping with you. If I care and mean it, I say it, as she's already into me to begin with.
It all depends on the place you are coming from. If you are using as yet another form of approval seeking and kissing up to, then, NO, don't do it. You will only come across as needy and clingy.
If you need to ask, or you think you definitely shouldn't do it, then you shouldn't be doing it. It means you are clueless, or not confortable in your own skin to not worry about how it comes across, or have some many afc tendencies that you feel the need to see yoursel emasculated by it.