Should You REALLY Listen to What A Woman SAYS She Wants??

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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NOTE: For more advice on what NOT to do when attracting women, click on the link in my signature below!

The easiest way to ruin your chances with a woman... is to BELIEVE her when she talks about what she wants out of a relationship.

This may seem like an idiotic statement, but it's been my experience that the more you try to convince yourself that what a woman's saying is what she wants, the more damage you do to yourself in this game of love.

How many times have you seen a girl friend of yours dating someone that, based on previous conversations with her, is no where NEAR what she said she's looking for?

For example: a few weeks ago, I was talking to a lady, and she mentioned that she was dating a guy that had kids. The only problem: she had previously mentioned that she didn't want to date ANY guy who had kids.

What changed her mind? According to her:

"...I don't know... it was just something about him that I couldn't resist, and the kids part was no longer an issue."

In other words, what changed her mind was that she had a HIGH INTEREST in this guy. When a woman is really, REALLY digging a guy, all the self-imposed "rules" she makes up for her dating life go flying out the window.

More importantly, though: when this guy met this girl, she initially didn't want to see him. Why? Because she knew he had kids.


That didn't stop him from trying. He chose not to listen to the words she was saying, because he knew they were pure B.S.


You could meet a woman who says she only dates men who believe in God, and that same woman could turn around the next day and fall head-over-heels for a devil-worshiping Satanist if she's really feeling him.

The bottom line is, if you believe a woman when she throws out a dating disclaimer, you will truly limit the number of girls you attempt to date. ALL girls will throw out some kind of dating disclaimer - it's their made-up way of trying to "protect" themselves from dating a weirdo.

If you don't believe me, take a look at the picture of me on my website (link below). I'm short, wear glasses, and have the fashion sense of a blind iguana. These characteristics used to make me think that no girl would EVER want me.

Now, I don't let it become an issue. If a woman says to me, "I only date tall men," I act as if I didn't even hear the statement and continue flirting with her. Needless to say, I go on a LOT more dates now with girls who are taller than me - and most of them offer their number to me without me asking first!

So remember: when a woman starts talkin' about qualities she looks for in a mate, turn your brain to "off" for a few minutes, wait until she's done talking, then continue on pursuing her. (Note: if she pulls out the can of mace, though, you may want to walk away :)

-Non Juan
Non Juan’s book, “The Non Juan’s Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams: Why Everything Men THINK They Know About Dating is WRONG,” coming soon!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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It's not that they are lying. Half of them are just testing you, the other half are confused, and the rest actually BELIEVE it. They are just emotional creatures. They think they want a nice guy to treat them right because they want those "butterfly" feelings in their stomach, but we all know that too much of this just gets you walked over. It varies. I've heard some girls straight up say they want an assh0le. I've heard others say they wanted to be treated like a princess. Fact is, the rules are all universal. Don't ever put your guard down or think "this girl is different". You must remain that confident and dominate male always, no matter what. She will never stop testing you.

But anyway, I do agree with you. A girl can say she wants one thing and go for the complete opposite. The way I see it is I be myself and if there is something she doesn't like she can either approach me about it, or hit the road. I've had girls that hated that I was a smoker still date me. Then I've had others where as soon as they found out they would tell me it's a disgusting and I pretty much gave them an ultimatum, take it or leave it. A lot of them left. Their loss. I don't change for anyone but myself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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A girl once told me on a first date that she didnt like beards and prefered the 'clean shaven look'.

We dated for months and she loved my beard.

I've ignored everything ever since. Everything she says is either wrong, exageration or lies to DHV herself.

Ps. Same with chest hair.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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One of the main problems most guys have, whether they're PUAs or average joes, is that they're more concerned with what women want rather then what they want. I know it sounds like a selfish concept but I'm telling you it's not. Put it in perspective, you are one among several billion people on this planet. Why should you be concerned with meeting the wants of someone else. Meeting the needs is perfectly acceptable. We NEED to have a place to live. We NEED to eat on a fairly regular basis. We NEED to protect ourselves from malevolent others. There are enough things we really need to do to maintain our lives. What people want is almost irrelevant in retrospect because it really isn't all that important. The only wants you should really focus on should be your own. I want to have a good job. I want a nice car. I want a life that's comfortable enough where other peoples opinions don't count for sh*t. That should be what you're striving for.

After you've crested that hill then other people have to bend to meet your wants and need as opposed to vice verse. The second you stop worrying about other people and really start realizing who you are and what you really want, you've essentially made it. The rest of it, for lack of better words, is a down hill journey. What else is there? You have everything that anyone could possibly want. There are people working endless hours making crazy money trying to figure out what they want out of life and they'll never make it. Conversely there's guys who are homeless hanging out on the beach in cities everywhere who are so content that you couldn't pay them to change their lifestyle. It starts and ends with you. Don't try to please anyone just try to live the best life you can because inevitably it'll be over before you know it and you don't want to have any regrets about the majority of it.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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I agree with PRmoon. he speaks the truth. People are so concerned with chicks that they forget themselves.

what do you like in a woman?

what do you not like in a woman? this sort of thing should come first and only before the wants of some random girl you don't even know.