Should you be persistent with girls?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Simple question, should you be persistent with girls that aren't able to hang out with you. Like if you ask a girl out and she's just busy, should you keep asking once in a while til she flat out rejects you? Ok, I have an example that happened to me. I invited this one girl out with me a couple of months ago and she didn't feel up to it (her ex just dumped her the week before, she's part of my social circle) and politely turned my offer down. Then a week or so ago I asked her if she'd like to chill on my day off and she said yes. So I called a couple evenings before the day we were supposed to chill just to finalize where we were meeting up, etc. She tells me she's sorry but she forgot that she made plans with her friend that night (I know the friend so if I was really suspicious it was bs I could just ask her). Should I bother asking her out again? I know quite a few girls like this, where they just aren't available to hang out when I ask them.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
She's not interested man. I've been in similar situations as you and girls usually flake 99% of the time if you did not project any attractive qualities while gaming her. The thing women like to call chemistry. This girl wasn't feeling that with you.

Women that are genuinely busy will always counter offer or ask you to try again at a different time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Well the only attractive qualities I posses are confidence and humor. Otherwise I'm just an average guy. Dont really want to expect girls to flake on me but that's what happens (why I reduced the effort I was putting into this and refocused on other things in my life).


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
"Women's choice of partners means very little. There's no reason to feel special if a girl wants to sleep with you. There is no need to feel upset if she doesn't." PappyS

Read that quote and read it again. For this girl in your social circle, all it could have taken was one of her friends putting in a good word for her to get the ball rolling. She values her friends' (aka society's) opinion way more than your acutal qualities as a man. So either way, her choice to be with you or not is to some degree impersonal.

Not many women cared about Brad Pitt until all of sudden society deemed him "sexiest man alive" then they went crazy for him.

In these situations, with you lacking super high status or great looks, having her friends vouch for you is extremely powerful. If you can win the friends over, it will make getting her that much easier.


She's not interested and who asks a bird out a week after she breaks up with her boyfriend? She is probably emotionally damaged mate, if she isn't showing it, she's definitely feeling it. You asked her at the wrong time, I wouldn't go back there mate - it's gonna be more hassle than it's worth. I have a two strike rule, reject me twice and that's it. I'll move on.

If you really dig this bird, then try again at a later date. If it was me though, I wouldn't bother. Persistence is only worthwhile when you know she is genuinely interested and is genuinely busy.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
You should have lots of girlfriends/girl friends. As they come and go, you'll never run out of options, or put too much importance on any one of them. Plus, you'll be the prize. It's the best way to be a survivor in the war between the sexes.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
persistence beats resistance
keep hitting her up
i collect numbers whenever i go out clubbing
2-4 a night
1 of them is bound to get boned
the more girls u talk to ull never have to worry about not having a date
also " the fortune is in the follow up "
u want to bang her? than u must follow up maybe shes busy keep creating rapport until she kicks it with u


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
you re running into a paradox that is central to many of the gaming philosophies: to get a few numbers and work hard on each, or to get a lot of numbers and put minimal work into each?

I prefer the numbers game, but now i m disgressing from your question...

Don't think you got a chance with this chick. Like somebody else said, if she was interested she would have counter-offered or try to accomodate you in some way. She might just be one of these persons that have a hard time saying "no" to pple, so she has to resort to these side tactics.

But if you think there is some interest on her part, sure keep insisting. It s very important that you build some raport with her with these phone convos/txt instead of just inviting her out, it s your only chance she might changer her mind about you.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not trying with that girl again. My reputation with her has been ruined I have found out. I'm making a new thread about something and I'll mention her in it. Give me a few minutes.