SHould I simply sit next to her? help advice

alkaline hero

Don Juan
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
HEy who's ever a real man on this I could use a good 'ol pointer.
Short story short:
1.There's this girl in my class I have a small crush on, she sits in the back usually alone.

2.I know she kind of likes my in class buddy who sits next to me in class, they often say "hey" to eachother, this guy also has a girlfriend.

3.I tried talking to her once, I made a comment about her shoes, claiming she stole them from my grama but I got nervous and then asked some stupid question and basically a crappy first impression.

4. Im now 100% confident and I don't care what happens so I'm determined to talk to her once more.

5. the fact that she kind of likes my buddy puts me in a this semi jealous mode because I know I have WAY more to offer.

6. So should I go and sit with this chick one day and class, start chatting her up about how she should give her shoes back to my grama and see where it goes?
Advice from a real guy would definitely be appeciated.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Well you can't really 'next her' if you never had her.

I think the idea of caring less and just having fun is what you should concentrate on.

The reason she likes your friend is because he doesn't care and isn't needy for her (he already has pvssy).


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This brings back memories of my junior year of college in my Accounting Lecture Hall class :)

alkaline hero said:
HEy who's ever a real man on this I could use a good 'ol pointer.
Short story short:
1.There's this girl in my class I have a small crush on, she sits in the back usually alone.
Money! Thats ideal my man. Should cut the nervousness in half compared to if her friend was right there, not that it should matter either way ;)

2.I know she kind of likes my in class buddy who sits next to me in class, they often say "hey" to eachother, this guy also has a girlfriend.
No worries, she still can be yours. You have to put yourself out there :).

3.I tried talking to her once, I made a comment about her shoes, claiming she stole them from my grama but I got nervous and then asked some stupid question and basically a crappy first impression.
Don't worry about that now. At least you said something and took some sort of initiative. Thats the first step.

4. Im now 100% confident and I don't care what happens so I'm determined to talk to her once more.
Good because I got a mission for you to do. Read on :)

5. the fact that she kind of likes my buddy puts me in a this semi jealous mode because I know I have WAY more to offer.
:trouble: Your making assumptions my friend, how do you know 100% fact that she's attracted to him?

6. So should I go and sit with this chick one day and class, start chatting her up about how she should give her shoes back to my grama and see where it goes?
Advice from a real guy would definitely be appeciated.
Here's the mission:

Next time, you see an empty seat before class starts, sit down next to her

Alkaline Hero: <turns to face her> Hey SoAndSo, I'm sitting here for a reason. Ever since class started, I've been wanting to talk to you but i've been a little shy. I've finally gathered the courage and would like to get to know you because your quite cute. I feel now is the time you hear this from me. :)


Alkaline Hero: I decided to sit next to you because your quite cute and i want to talk to you :).

You might be surprised, but most girls respond really well to this because of your honesty and your man enough to admit that you were nervous or shy about it. Make sure you face means this.

She'll respond really well to it or be shy ;)