Should I keep doing this or should I text her again?


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Before the holidays I broke things off with 2 of my plates for different reasons. So I was only left with one for the holidays. Luckily I got her number before the break so I could text her and see if she wanted to get together. I texted her on the first Monday of the break asking if she wanted to go bowling. She hasnt responded yet. She told me before the break that she was going to see family in another state so I am thinking that she is too busy. But she also told me that she always has her phone with her. Keep in mind, this girl has very high interest in person. When I talk to her shes always smiling, blushing, and laughing and she kinos me back.
I've kept busy during the break but I would really like to hang out with this girl. Do you think I should text her again or should I just wait until I see her in person?

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
Don't text her again.
It's a pretty safe bet that she does have her phone, and did see the message and CHOSE not to respond to it.

The exact reasons she made that choice is the part nobody will ever be sure of one hundred percent, but they also don't matter.

I wouldn't text her again until she hits me up. And when she does hit me up she better give say SOMETHING about making me wait.
Something along the lines of "I forgot to text back, sorry" "my phone was dead" etc.
Even if it's a lie, at least she understands it was wrong to make me wait.

If she never texts back, then it's clear she isn't interested.
When/if you see her in public or wherever remember that. If she's being flirtatious or seems to be showing you interest pay little attention to it.
Try setting up a date, if she accepts good. If she doesn't then she's not worth pursuing.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
You Said It Yourself

garfield said:
I just wait until I see her in person?
She got your message, and like others have said, she choose not to response. Wait until she contacts you.