Should I give up?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
A girl a kind of started dating a little bit, just kind of gave me the classic LJBF on me. She said that when I put my arm around her on the first date she didn't like it. She thought that on the first date, you shouldn't be doing it. She felt she was just trying to get to know me. So I decided to say well I will call you for next week. She said maybe. However, while this was happening she was playing with her hair, smiling and she approached me.

I don't get it because, it seemed like she at least interested in me. Because she was giving me signs.

The story:

I first introduced myself to her in my voice class and then she dropped it. So I kind of forgot about her.

Later I work at Cinnabon, she said hi to me and I said hi back but kind of ignored her because I was busy. Later when I was not busy, she approached me trying to talk to me.

At this point it seemed like she was at least interested in me. I later saw her at school and apologized to her, saying I could really talk because I was busy.

She kept on approaching me a couple of times. So finally I did a number close. I set up a date with her later.

Here's what I don't get. On the first date, she smiled a lot. Then when I put my arm around her, she smiled. When I dropped her off she was playing with her hair.

The next times I saw her, I tried some kino. When I touched her she smiled.

So the fact that she playing with her hair, smiling and approaching me. Also when I made the move on her she smiled.

So why this? But the main question is, should I call her?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
It sounds to me like she's trying to reel you in - be a bit of a challenge (it's working). Be more of a challenge back and watch her come running back to you.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
sounds like a load of bull****. its a test, man. dont fall in that trap.

as for the number close and everything, i like how u pretty much ignored her at first. shows u got other things goin on.

go ahead and call her. i dont see a problem, as long as u dont whine about what she said. just kinda ignore it and ask her out again. then on the date, be a little less graby until u know she's comfortable.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Good Points

Yeah, it sounded kind of fishy. I will try and call her this weekend.
