Should I give it some effort or forget about it


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
In one of my college classes, this girl started sitting next to me. We would talk a little during class, then for a few minutes after class, as she usually goes to the gym right after class with some friends. Anyway, the other day the teacher never showed up, so we chilled in the room for a while talking, and basically went walking around talking for quite a while. I was being very confident, holding eye contact for probably 80% of the time, being funny as i usually am (which she apparently thought so too, "you're funny") and trying some ****iness, and things were going great, i thought i had her eating from my hand. Then she brings up that she has a bf. I played it cool, and eventually walked her back to her dorm. She was kinda halfway in and didn't really know what to say, so i said, "why don't you show me around". we went in and chilled in her room for a while. I didn't make a move cus of the whole bf card. So finally she said she was tired and needed to sleep, so i had to go, and i got her number, and left. We were talking/chilling for like 3 1/2 hours. That was monday.

Today, we had class again. She came into class and seemed like she was really happy to see me. She was talking a lot more than usual to me today, and i could hardly keep up with the notes. So class was 3/4 over, and she kept looking at her phone for the time, so i decided time to work the ****y/funny a little more, and see what kind of reaction i get. So she looks at her phone again, and i say, "you know, you should be enjoying the time you have left in class, because you aren't going to get to see me until monday." and she looks down and say "god" and has this big smile on her face. And throughout the whole class, she was like leaning against me, and i yawned and she leaned over and wrote on my paper "i'm sleepy too = )" ..

Now... I dunno where to go with the whole situation. I am not a Don Juan, but i'm trying!! do i forget about this and move on cus of the BF, or are her signals speaking stronger than words?? Am I doing this right, and should i call her or let the 'you aren't gonna see me till monday' sit in her head over the weekend?

Anything you guys can give me to improve my game is much appreciated.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
maybe she was coaxing you to ask her out

or maybe she loves having friend who listens but gets no play

either way an interesting lead which are good to have in numbers. but remember so far it's just a lead, if your goal is to fuk close the bf is an obstacle you will have to deal with in any event.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Personally I believe you've already fvcked up...

I've learned in my experience since finding these sites that when a girl does anything or gives you any opening and you fail to take it, you're now a 'pu$$y' in her eyes. When you went into her room you b!tched out, plain and simple...

The guys she wants to fvck are NOT respectful and nice like you showed her you were, of course she dropped that she had a bf, its the most common sh!t test ever... firstly it might not be true and could be used just to test to see if you are a guy who goes for wat he wants or not, OR

It could have been true, but she told you to justify in her mind that if you two fvcked, she told you she had a bf and she can pin it off on your as your fault and get rid of any guilt aka... "he was too sexy", "too smoothe", "wouldn't take no for answer" ect....

The fact that you let it slide (obviously ur mother taught u well aka how not to fvck girls) is an opportunity lost. The fact that she was still happy to see you and still giving overt signals is cue enough that she finds you VERY attractive and is willing to give you another chance (rarely happens) ! Wat usually happens is after something like this, the girl will sit somewhere else or act distant and most guys will come on here saying...

"We had a great time and I was nice and respectful and didn't push and now she's ignoring me.... wats wrong with girls ?" LOL

You my friend have another chance and I'd suggest you take advantage of it. The first possible opening she gives you (she will give you another chance) kiss her and get yourself out of 'pus$y zone' where you currently reside. Guaranteed she'll give another chance, but she might throw a few more sh!t tests as a precautionary measure against giving her goodies up to a loser who is posing as a member of the secret society....

Stop worrying about being respectful and just do wat ur **** tells you to do



Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
I think she has a bf and simply enjoys the attention she's getting from you. Women thrive on that ****. Sure she probably likes you, but I say you shouldn't waste your time with a chick that tells you she has a bf.

Once in college I started pursuing a chick that was showing me all the IOI's of an interested person (most obvious thing was that she was too scared to talk to me, but she initiated playful touching before I even spoke to her, lol), and when I started doing my thing, talking to her I confirmed that she liked me but she kind of mentions things about her bf. After hearing that I backed off because I don't like getting into situations like that, she would complain about him within ear shot of me (purposfully) but I gathered she was using me to fill a void. I'm not settling for that, but that's just me.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
By request..
History lesson.

Does she think you're cute: Most likely, juding by EC
Does she like hanging out with you: Yeah
Does she like you: ____
So, lesson done. You know she likes you as far as a friend. I left the her liking you blank, because you don't know, we don't know. But, we'll assume she does (nothing over until a LJBF, and even then,'s iffy).

So, what you need to do is start going above the 'friends' game you're playing right now. Go on a date with her, get her to kiss you, get her to admit it's so wrong to like you the way she does, anything of that nature. How you go about it....I suggest flirting, and stepping up game as you need to. Will it work, maybe. Will it not work, maybe. All you can do is try.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score

i appreciate the help guys, but i'm still stuck on this girl. interesting fact too, while writing back and forth during class, she mentioned totally out of the blue, that her bf was going to be in tokyo for this week and next....i thought that was pretty convient, and quite interesting that she just randomly mentioned it...ya know? but anyway, after getting a better grade on a paper than she did, (its art history, we are writing on paintings at the muesum) i told her that we are going to the muesum together and give her some pointers on writing the paper. so we are going there tomorrow, and i'm going to see if shes hungry, and bring her out to eat first, then to the muesum, where my goal is basically to not be a pvssy anymore, kiss her and see her reaction (once and for all get a answer to "am i in friendzone"). Now, as cod3r said,
Cod3r said:
You my friend have another chance and I'd suggest you take advantage of it. The first possible opening she gives you (she will give you another chance) kiss her and get yourself out of 'pus$y zone' where you currently reside
i have to take advantage of the first opportunity i have, and this will be it, but she came to class today, said she was feeling sick (she was coughin and sniffling a bit) and ended up leaving early, but she did say that she'd call me whenever she gets out of work tomorrow. assuming she doesn't cancel on me does her being sick ruin this 'final opportunity'? i mean, if shes feeling sick, and i go to kiss her, won't that make her move back and say somethign like "i don't want to get you sick" or will she kiss me if she wants to regardless? Thanks again guys.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
this may seem obvious, but why would a girl give you her # if she had a bf already? not trying to be sarcastic but what are the reasons and why would you want to be involved with some1 who does that? (im assuming that shes telling the truth about the bf). HOwever, i dont believe her one bit.