Should I drop her home on the first few dates?

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Say, I'm on a third date with a chick. I bring a car and she uses public transportation. By the end of the date it's 10 PM. Should I drive her home or is that too nice for the first few dates? Her house is 30 minutes away from the date place. Thanks.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Fela Kuti said:
Say, I'm on a third date with a chick. I bring a car and she uses public transportation. By the end of the date it's 10 PM. Should I drive her home or is that too nice for the first few dates? Her house is 30 minutes away from the date place. Thanks.
Drop her off as there is a chance, no matter how unlikely, she may invite you inside.

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Zodiac said:
Drop her off as there is a chance, no matter how unlikely, she may invite you inside.
I think we can put that aside since she's not that kind of girl.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Fela Kuti said:
I think we can put that aside since she's not that kind of girl.
Oh but she is. All women are hors..with the right guy. Don't put her on a pedestal already you're going the wrong route there. One day she is "not that kind of girl" and the next she is sucking off some guy she just met at a party. That's how women are now a days don't fool yourself.

Driving a woman around builds comfort and gets her seeing you two as a couple. Just like shopping at a store together and doing activities that "couples do" gets her feeling good about you as in relationship material good.

I wouldn't see it as a negative (except for the long drive and all the gas money you will be spending). But frankly if I like a female and appreciate her time I wouldn't mind driving half an hour to take her home. If I didn't have a car I would hope she would do the same not a big fan of taking the bus ;)


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Don't tell me this is the same chick you have talked about in other threads OP. :facepalm: You are so far in AFC territory I highly doubt you can ever see the light and become a DJ or return to being a DJ.

f283000 said:
Oh but she is. All women are hors..with the right guy. Don't put her on a pedestal already you're going the wrong route there. One day she is "not that kind of girl" and the next she is sucking off some guy she just met at a party. That's how women are now a days don't fool yourself.
Too late on that. He's already made numerous threads on the same girl and judging by his past history its still the same girl. This is in the same vein of him doing nothing but putting the girl on a pedestal and handing his balls over to her willingly.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
The girl uses public transportation to date you? That's very high interest....... There's nothing wrong with dropping her off.

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Zodiac said:
Don't tell me this is the same chick you have talked about in other threads OP. :facepalm: You are so far in AFC territory I highly doubt you can ever see the light and become a DJ or return to being a DJ.

Too late on that. He's already made numerous threads on the same girl and judging by his past history its still the same girl. This is in the same vein of him doing nothing but putting the girl on a pedestal and handing his balls over to her willingly.
dude, let's keep this discussion in context.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Fela Kuti said:
dude, let's keep this discussion in context.
It is in context. Everything you post has a certain context to it that leads to a bigger picture in us understanding you along with how we would potentially give you advice. Is this the same girl as the other threads or are you spinning plates and this is a different girl? Depending on the information you give to this question will depend on the answer that results from myself at least and maybe other members.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
3rd date...presumably nothing has happened up 'til now?

You should have started with touching etc during the date of course, to get her worked up.

Drive her home, then when you get there, at least go for a make out in the car...escalate if you can.

If she is keen, she'll invite you inside "just for a few minutes".

If she doesn't, then lose her and stop wasting your time and move on to a chick who is worth your while...unless of course you have 0 other options and want to continue to put up with her lack of s!xual interest in exchange for you doing favours for her.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Holy f-n sh-t. Whatever happened to chivalry?

I mean, she has already demonstrated that she's interested enough to ride the f-n bus to see you. What's the problem with dropping her off? Have you ever ridden the bus? it freaking sucks, especially at night.

No, it's not "nice", it is just considerate. You're not taking her to buy her groceries or shopping, aren't you? You're just saving her --what, let's see, 30 mins in car must be like 1 to 1:30 hours by bus-- just to see you.

But really, why are you picking places 30 minutes away from her home? you're not picking special/popular/upscale/expensive date places just to impress her, aren't you? There should be simple coffeehouses / eateries / bars near every neighborhood. Simple logistics. If the place is 5-10 mins away you could even pick her up and drop her off without being "nice" at all and build intimacy. Were you really planning on kissing her and then dropping her off at the bus stop? if that isn't awkward, I don't know what is.

In my experience, the best makeout sessions are to be had before dropping the girl off. It can only get better from there (yes, getting invited inside IS NATURAL after getting her all wet from a great makeout session). It's not going to happen like: -"Ok, so here we are, see you later" -"Oh, wanna come inside?", unless she's a straight hore. You build intimacy gradually. Argh!!!

If you're not making out and/or heavily touching by now, which is the third date, you are definitely f-n up in a major way; I don't care how many times you say "she's not like that".


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
Originally Posted by Fela Kuti
I think we can put that aside since she's not that kind of girl.
Oh boy....
oneitissssssssss :), sucks don't it? lol

let us know how things go please, I'm interested to find out. Sounds like you're not taking any other advice on this girl from anyone, so at least let us know how things do or do not progress..

and have you made a move on her yet? how were the first 2 'dates'

any making out?


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Im wondering should we pick the place that is close for our house or the girl's house. Assume that we both live with our parents.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
keemojung said:
Im wondering should we pick the place that is close for our house or the girl's house. Assume that we both live with our parents.
It depends how far do you live from each other? When first starting dating it's not a bad idea to take her places you already know since you're comfortable there. Later on you can try out different places that you and her probably haven't gone to.

Just remember not to do everything for her but think of you as well. Trying out new things will improve you as a person. So don't get caught up with taking her to all the places you already know just cause it will be new and exciting for her. Try going places where you don't know so you can experience something new.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Take her home because you're a nice guy. You can be a nice guy without being a "nice guy", i live by a simple mantra. Treat every woman as you would want a guy to treat my sister, and i wouldnt want her walking the streets on her own at night.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
cupraikso said:
Holy f-n sh-t. Whatever happened to chivalry?

I mean, she has already demonstrated that she's interested enough to ride the f-n bus to see you. What's the problem with dropping her off? Have you ever ridden the bus? it freaking sucks, especially at night.

No, it's not "nice", it is just considerate. You're not taking her to buy her groceries or shopping, aren't you? You're just saving her --what, let's see, 30 mins in car must be like 1 to 1:30 hours by bus-- just to see you.

But really, why are you picking places 30 minutes away from her home? you're not picking special/popular/upscale/expensive date places just to impress her, aren't you? There should be simple coffeehouses / eateries / bars near every neighborhood. Simple logistics. If the place is 5-10 mins away you could even pick her up and drop her off without being "nice" at all and build intimacy. Were you really planning on kissing her and then dropping her off at the bus stop? if that isn't awkward, I don't know what is.

In my experience, the best makeout sessions are to be had before dropping the girl off. It can only get better from there (yes, getting invited inside IS NATURAL after getting her all wet from a great makeout session). It's not going to happen like: -"Ok, so here we are, see you later" -"Oh, wanna come inside?", unless she's a straight hore. You build intimacy gradually. Argh!!!

If you're not making out and/or heavily touching by now, which is the third date, you are definitely f-n up in a major way; I don't care how many times you say "she's not like that".
I agree. That would be severely awkward; I wouldn't recommend getting so caught up in trying not to be an AFC that you have to question whether or not to drop your date at her home.