Should I cross that line?...moving in on my boys crush..


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Oka so I feel like IM wasting my time as far as college goes, first year in college even though I had my sh**** moments I had a different date each week and would talk to up to six different girls a day, I didn't hang out with the same kids each night and I had a lot of friends. Fastfowrword to today ...I have a click of guy friends, few female friends, a girl I dated last semester and screwed it up is all about me even though she has a man, I don't want to be the second choice.

But any way ...I met this girl a while back threw one of the clubs IM in, she was cool as hell and it turns out she was friends with my friends and went to highschool with them, so any way ...IM not from WV where I go to college but all my friends are and they all went to highschool with each other, so highschool b. s follows in college and so do highschool crushes, so one of my guy friends is kind of ****ty when it comes to girls, he throws the hole DJ act in your face when I can see right threw it and inside he is bleeding afc, well this chick that I met is into him and he seems into her "this week" but when no one else likes her he will stop chilling with her and then when some one goes for her he will be all about it agian.

So my friends told me I could not possibly win this chick over, like this kid is smooth or something, he drives a sports car and has an apartment but yeah is a straight up AfC, I hate when people doubt me and it makes me want to go after her even more, the thing is IM not going to say IM arrogant or anything but know IM a better man then him, at least from what I have seen, I don't have a car in college, I live a dorm and I have a little bit of money and am a sharp dresser, I have won girls over before with little or no effort, I wan this chick, should I cross the line?


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
HAHAHA, great. Dude, if this guy isnt one of your close close buddies, do whatever you want. You cant stake your claim on a chick, she's not property.

You dont need a car to game chicks, i dont even have my licence yet! I have NO MONEY. Not little, NONE. I live in my parents basement! Despite this, i meet girls that drive me places, pay for stuff, and let me sleep over at their places. That sh!t dont matter.

Now, i know the kind of guy you're talking about. Just game this chick like you would any other, there should be no special treatment. If you know you're the better guy, show her and she'll figure it out.

Oh, and what line are you talking about?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Never mind the car and the apartment. I have a nice car (A Mazda RX-8 with a 13B twin turbo rotor engine... yeah its hot) and a nice apartment in Green Valley A.K.A. the pad... but I'm not in college anymore.

I was only in the dorms for one year becasue after my freshman year in Hawaii I promptly moved to Las Vegas and it was easier to get an apartment then it would of been for me to move into the dorms. But none of that matters, All that matters is if you can get a girl in the right state of mind.

Take my room mate for example, he was living in a run down studio aparment near the university, we use to buy errrrr SEE drug dealers all around that area and my room mate in his 63 El Camino still nailed tons of chicks. Was it the set up?... no clearly not, the man just has skills and he went out with that mentality and deliverd the goods when it came down to the wire.

So don't listen to your friend, if anything him tell you you can't should be all the ecourage you need to go out and own that a$$.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
The line im talking about..

Well I guees he really is not my boy... now that I think about iy but we are cool I guees , so yea...I dont owe him sh*** becouse there not dating.