Show them what you have to offer. Think of it like being a salesman and making a pitch for a great product, and then disappearing and letting her decide with no pressure.
NO ONE likes the salesmen who comes to your door EVERY DAY trying to sell their product out of desperation. It makes them look weak, needy, and a nuisance you want to get rid of.
The first time you meet her, and the first date, show her the best you have to offer. It's okay to initiate first once you meet a girl because if you always waited for girls to introduce themselves first you would miss out on opportunities.
But scarcity has value. The more scarce something is, the higher perceived value it will have. After you offer your "pitch" as a salesmen (Don Juan) you must respect that the balls in her court, and she SHOULD be chasing you. If the foundation of your relationship is based on you chasing her more than you, something is terribly wrong. Woman should ALWAYS be doing more of the chasing. And that means they should ALWAYS be doing more of the
Your job is to make the time you DO spend with her as good and memorable as possible. That means showing her your best self and escalating to sex to keep her attracted. Then disappearing for a few days and let her initiate, then repeat. You don't have to play games or none of that. You should just have a life outside her. She cannot be the center of your universe.
That means other activities such as spinning other plates, hanging with friends, working/going to school, hitting up the gym, doing hobbies you love, etc. should take up majority of your time. You shouldn't have time to text her everyday anyway.
Girls who like you WILL find time for you, and will initiate most of the time. Every time she initiates, she is basically saying you're the higher value of the two, because she cares more about being with you than you do with her. And that's how it SHOULD be. It's not rude. It's not disrespectful. It's not arrogant. It's in our genes that women want men of higher value than themselves, an "alpha" male. They don't want a weak beta salesmen who comes to their doorstep everyday offering the same old sh*t and nothing new or exciting. She will get sick of that real fast and move on.
"Is it a bad sign if they're not trying to initiate conversation with me"
It's definitely a sign of disinterest. Either she genuinely isn't interested or she knows you will chase her anyway and she couldn't give two sh*ts about you because she has you in the palm of her hands. Either way, your only option is to make a "strategic withdrawal" and go complete ghost on her.
But no, it's not a bad sign. Because in order for you to perceive it as "bad" it means you must give a fu*k. That's your problem. If you didn't give a fu*k then it wouldn't be bad because you'd see it as her loss and move on. By labeling it as "Bad" you are believing as though you actually have something to lose, which is flawed and useless way of thinking. If you truly act yourself, there is no "Bad" result, because you know you're the prize. You become outcome independent and you already know it's "Good" no matter what happens, and you aren't limiting your power and happiness on the basis of getting her approval. Because you give yourself that approval, and that's all that matters.