should i act like she doesn't exist anymore or will that make me look bitter?

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
this 1 girl i was seeing who had high interest (she cancelled her plans that night to see me) lost interest after our 2nd date.. i duno why, but i had her in my room but she didnt want to kiss she said 'didnt feel comfortable'

and since girls trust their feelings it was pretty much a goner, i saw her the next day with her friend but didnt say hi at first cos i didnt recognise who it was at 1st. anyway when i saw her the week after she was still ill and didnt want me kissing her on the cheek or around her.. she had family probs her mom was in hospital and almost died (i didnt know at the time)

since then all her friends have visited her from abroad so she's had no time, today i had it out with her.. i told her she's been acting differently to me since that time.. she says she's still the same i told her to look at it from my perspective. to make things worse when her friends came by to tickle her she starts laughing all playful but with me she acts like a cold b1tch.

i tell her straight 'if it's a no that u dont want to meet up again then cool just say so i'll walk away and wont speak to u again' then i go 'i can get any girl'
she spilt her water on herself when i said that.. i still insisted it but told her i was interested in her for her personality (back when i first met her) and it was only reason why i've come back.

she goes 'oh i'll let u know when im free..' trying to convince me that shes busy so i take it as it is.. i told her straight if its a no then fine.. why is she just not giving me the answer when it seems so clear??

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
its like shes insulting my intelligence cos her actions speak louder than her words.. i should have said 'i'll believe it when i see it..' when she said she'll let me know cos i know full well she wont especially after me having a strop with her..

since that happened earlier today i've seen her from a distance twice walking towards me, i just blanked her and didnt even say hi.. is this the right way to go?

i dont know how she will be thinking but i've accepted shes lost interest but i want to away with my head held high and being civil saying hi or anything will make her feel i still want her.. i just dont want her thinking that im bitter so ignoring her but can still think she can get me.. if she texts me (which prob wont happen) im just gona tell her no and i changed my mind.

when people say 'ignore' her how do u do this without looking bitter or angry?

u always see posts of when they come up to speak to u be uninterested and cut the convo short.. but they never come up to me! so how am i suppose to ignore her? do i still say hi or just look angry and pretend she doesn't even exist?


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
it's hard to tell exactly what is going with info you have provided above, but my guess is that you were nervous or made her feel uncomfortable during your 1st or 2nd date.

girls can initially show high IL but if you don't play your cards right, the IL can easily go down, or you could meet with a girl with low IL, but with right attitude/technique, you can increase IL.

Also, I don't know just how close you guys are, (in terms of comfort or friendship) but if she was having personal problems, it would've been best to let her deal with them and leave her alone (if you bug her when she's got her hands full with ****s going on, you could easily become annoying)

when ppl say 'ignore', it doesn't mean act like a sore loser...

IF you see her in person, just quickly say hi (and if neccessary, have a casual convo) but go about do your things... coz you're a busy man.

If she tries to contact you via sms, online etc... you don't have to reply to them.

make her miss you... you are way too busy to think about her, coz you have better things to do and she missed her chance! get it?

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
i see so if i see her just say hi and carry on walking even if i look angry?

i tried that earlier but it didnt help/work

even when she said hey to me from far away with her friends i said hey then turned around and walked away

but that was in the past...

i just think shes full of sh1t by telling me 'i'll let u know when im free..' when i know she probably wont.. i told her 'if you're not interested anymore than cool i'll walk away and wont talk to u no more..' yet even tho her actions clearly show this she still insists on the same stance of letting me know that she'll let me know when shes free.. is she just doing this to supplicate om her own mind she was polite?

cos i cant understand why she doesn't just tell me no! what the hell is wroing with her and girls in general?

either way so the fact i blanked her twice today was a bad move even thought from a distance?

i guess i could break into a smile and nod if i pass by her but she'll prob just carry on walking ignoring me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Don't take it personally. Low IL is not a personal attack, nor should you be offended or angry. Chill

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
thing is when it's at the stage where im basically ultimatum them like 'if u not interested then i'll walk away.. cool i get any girl.'

it always seems to turn into a point of argument which is pointless cos it just turns her off.

William Vass

Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
saying to her you can get any girl, and acting like you can get any girl are two completely different things....

if you could get any girl you wouldn't be so hung up on one that is acting like a cold b1tch, and giving her those ultimatums

The most power we can have as men is to show that women have no power over us, so if she sees you one day and you have a big smile on your face and are going about your life happy as ever without her she will start to doubt in her mind the ways she has treated you and will wonder what other woman in your life is making you so happy?

btw.. everytime you purposely ignore her when she says hi in public at your face, it's just showing how much she affected you and how "hurt" you are.. don't give her that.. it's her loss.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Your question breaks one of my basic rules:

NEVER ask questions designed to find out what she thinks about you.

(if you like her, assume she likes you and act accordingly)


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
drift king said:
thing is when it's at the stage where im basically ultimatum them like 'if u not interested then i'll walk away.. cool i get any girl.'

it always seems to turn into a point of argument which is pointless cos it just turns her off.
Don't say "cool i get any girl". Comes off as bragging especially if you can;t back it up. Girls dont respond well to ultimatums like this, so just take it for what it is. Never pay attention to what she says, you were right to analyze the situation by her actions. You can still say hi to her if you cross paths, but by acting angry you are digging yourself a ditch.

Refer to William Vass. He says the same thing but explains it better.