spesmilitis said:
You should never listen to your friend again, he broke his credibility with that crap advice.
Yeah your friend just lost credibility. Have him come on here to explain. Is it true that eating more will burn more? Sure its going to burn some more, because think of TEF (Thermic Effect of Food)
BUT... And this is key. How do you expect to grow off of 3 meals? Unless your eating a 1500cal meal 3x a day then I dont think your friend has a clue what he is talking about.
He is only like 5% correct.
You need to be eating 6-8x a day. I'm like you prob, and if I only ate 3x a day, i'd be losing weight.
Now, you'll combat the above I mentioned at first if you EAT ENOUGH. And it wont be a huge amount either; as in more calories being burned cause you eat 6-8x a day.
Roughly the TEF is 5-15% of your caloric expenditure. And since MR is elevated, it may be 10-15%. Hence why your MR will be higher.
Its good though because it will allow you to EAT MORE. Protein also increases TEF.
There is a formula for figuring out TEF from RMR, but I dont think it is too necessary.
The main thing to remember is to EAT ALL DAY LONG. NOT 3 meals per day.
Now go tell your friend you will only listen to people who have GOOD advice and not him anymore. I dont even give him credit for being partially right because he prob didnt know what he was really talking about. If he did, he would have told you what I did. :kick:
So that's why I say he is only partially correct. Now my guess is he has no idea what TEF is, or why he said what he did except he heard it from someone.