short bulking/cutting phases


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
From experience I've noticed that for me the most effective training weeks are the weeks at the beginning of a bulking or at the beginning of a cutting period.
Has any of you tried alternating short bulking and cutting periods?
What I mean is something like this:
- 2-3 weeks bulking
- 1-2 weeks cutting
- repeat
- 1 week rest

This way you would also fight monotony and focus with more effort to each training phase due to its short length.

Any advice would be appeciated


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah I did before I read the cutting guide. You're weight and muscle mass will fluctuate and your results won't last. Lots of people at my gym including myself in years past have been doing that for years. That's why you'll see certain people whose body never changes but workout 4-5 times per week, they haven't chosen a plan. Just choose whichever plan is applicaple to your needs, take action for 8-12 weeks and you won't regret it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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As much as many people here say, and many trainers will tell you, you can bulk and cut at the same time. Just do your weights 3 times a week, and then do 20 minutes cardio on an empty stomach the other 3 days a week. Do one day of weights, one day of cardio. If you eat right, you will see great results.

Although then again, I am not trying to become a beast like some guys in the gym, they are just ugly as and look horrible in clothes! I am talking about just becoming nicely toned and a good shape!


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
From my experience, dj spain your method doesn't work for me or the guys I've worked out with. Cutting up is all about a proper diet. I'm not in the best shape at the moment, but back when I was in shape, my work out consists of nothing but weights heavy enough that forces me to barely do 10 or 6 reps in a set. That got me pretty chunky, and in the process I started eating properly to get what I want. Its just too much healthy food for a guy to eat for so long. As for running, I never run right after a workout. It's considered to be overtraining. I usually run within 6 hours a part, making sure I eat enough to have energy for the next thing.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
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Los Angeles
Spain, if you got some fat on you, consider cutting up instead. Once you got rid of the fat, bulk. Don't run, it hinders your performance while lifting. If you run, run no more than 10 mins on a day you're not lifting.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
Originally posted by dj_spain
From experience I've noticed that for me the most effective training weeks are the weeks at the beginning of a bulking or at the beginning of a cutting period.
Has any of you tried alternating short bulking and cutting periods?
What I mean is something like this:
- 2-3 weeks bulking
- 1-2 weeks cutting
- repeat
- 1 week rest

This way you would also fight monotony and focus with more effort to each training phase due to its short length.

Any advice would be appeciated

Maybe you dont have that much bodyfat Spain. 2 weeks of cutting is very short for a cutting cycle.

When I'm cutting, I focus primarilly on cutting. It usually takes me 2 weeks to get my body primed to start losing weight and bodyfat and my abs really start to show after week 12 and I notice considerable changes in my bodyfat percentage. At least that's how I do it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
Pro bodybuilders bulk in the offseason, and then cut coming into the season. That means that the year is split up into ONE bulking session, and ONE cutting session.

And they're really big.

Basically, the best way to do it, if you want to get BIG, is to focus primarily on bulking until you get roughly the size that you want. Then switch your focus to cutting bodyfat and gaining definition. Granted you'll look like you shrunk a little, but it'll be mostly because the bodyfat surrounding your muscles has dissappeared. Plus you'll now officially be "big" (or whatever size you stopped bulking at)


jean laurent

Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sfalexi
Pro bodybuilders bulk in the offseason, and then cut coming into the season. That means that the year is split up into ONE bulking session, and ONE cutting session.

And they're really big.

And they're chemically enhanced.

Anyway, Spain, your program could work. We're all different, so the best way to judge a program is try it on yourself. I'm not convinced it would be the best way to go about it, but if "monotany" is really such a huge problem for you that it it's hindering your progress, then I suppose you could give your program a try.

The way I would do it is like this:

* 3 weeks bulking, 1 week cutting. (Or 4 and 2)

* Cycle the carbs and calories. Either beginning with high carbs in the first week and then lowering, or beginning low and then going higher. (Of course, being in a caloric surplus the whole time.)

* Do the cutting period on a ketogenic diet (no carbs). No "carb ups" either. If you'll only be doing it for a week or two, the carb ups will be a waste of time.

* During bulking, work the muscles as much as my body can handle. Work each body part twice a week. Probably lifting six days a week.

* No cardio first week or two of bulking. Introduce two or three cardio days in the last couple of weeks of bulking.

* During cutting, cut back on the frequency of weight lifting, to 3 workouts/week.

* During cutting, go crazy on the cardio. At least 30 good hard minutes every day.

* The whole time, lifting the weights by focusing on "contracting" the muscle to move the weight. Really flex the muslce as hard as you can.

* You should be able to do at least two complete cycles before you need any time off.

Like I said, I don't think this is the best way to go about building muscle, but if you think it might work for you, or you want to try something like this, or you feel you need to try something like this, go for it.