I had a girl who was acting really playful with me in the bar and when I said, "You seem kinda cool. What's your number?" She said, "I'm kinda seeing someone." I immediately said, "You mean you only date ONE guy at a time?" I then started talking about how I'm into polyamory and that I couldn't just hang out with one girl at a time." I couldn't even finish what I was talking about before she cut me off with an abrupt "WE CAN STILL HANG OUT!" I took her number down, called her 4 days later, and tried setting something up. It was the weekend of the beginning of Spring Break. Bad timing. I worried about finding a job during the proceeding two months. I struggled to eat. I was experiencing poverty because I couldn't get unemployment or a job. I was ineligible for unemployment because I refused to find full-time work, which limited my selection. I was a full-time student, and it was too late to back out considering the tuition was already paid.
So, I can't really say she wasn't interested, because I never called back. You can't rely on women for **** to call you back even if they are interested, so if you are relying on them to call you, give it up right now. What this girl said to you was a s h i t-test. You failed. You know what to do next time.