she's attracted to me BUT i sense a bf, should i just no contact her?

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
i started chatting to this HB sunbathing out in the park on friday, we hit it off immediately.. i sensed interest on her part.. we're very similar interested in similar things, she complimented me, i subtley conveyed my interest in a way which was classy allbeit i should have ben more direct. as we parted ways she asked for my number and i asked her to miss call me so i'd get hers. i kissed her cheeks to say bye and she said i smelt nice.

i sensed a bf though, she's about to move apartments and she got a call from the estate agents and listening to what she was saying it appears she was moving into a place with her bf (i noticed she quietened down when she answered questions about him: ''he's a lawyer. 3 years.'' i could tell she was being careful and quiet about what she was saying about him as she didn't want me to know/hear) i asked her after 'do you live by yourself?' she looked nervous on answering this, she paused and nervously said 'i live with 2 other people... we're downsizing.'

i know if a girl is attracted to you she won't tell you she has a bf, however in this situation if she's moving apartments with her bf i dont see any good coming from this. im going to ask her out tomorrow but i suspect she's going to try to friendzone me or keep me in her pocket till she's ready to branch swing. if she suggests we be friends should i just no contact her?

i dont think there's enough emotional investment on her part so me not being in contact with her from now on will not favor me in getting her.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
drift king said:
i started chatting to this HB sunbathing out in the park on friday, we hit it off immediately.. i sensed interest on her part.. we're very similar interested in similar things, she complimented me, i subtley conveyed my interest in a way which was classy allbeit i should have ben more direct. as we parted ways she asked for my number and i asked her to miss call me so i'd get hers. i kissed her cheeks to say bye and she said i smelt nice.

i sensed a bf though, she's about to move apartments and she got a call from the estate agents and listening to what she was saying it appears she was moving into a place with her bf (i noticed she quietened down when she answered questions about him: ''he's a lawyer. 3 years.'' i could tell she was being careful and quiet about what she was saying about him as she didn't want me to know/hear) i asked her after 'do you live by yourself?' she looked nervous on answering this, she paused and nervously said 'i live with 2 other people... we're downsizing.'

i know if a girl is attracted to you she won't tell you she has a bf, however in this situation if she's moving apartments with her bf i dont see any good coming from this. im going to ask her out tomorrow but i suspect she's going to try to friendzone me or keep me in her pocket till she's ready to branch swing. if she suggests we be friends should i just no contact her?

i dont think there's enough emotional investment on her part so me not being in contact with her from now on will not favor me in getting her.
I personally wouldn't waste my time with her if she has a boyfriend. Shes interested in you as an ego boost for the moment or if things dont work out between them. I met a chick like that who was gorgeous and flirted with me and we both got into personal conversation. At times she had kind of a high and mighty attitude and is like 20 years younger than me but i think had no idea as i look young and dress up to date and stylish. She had a boyfriend and i a girlfriend at the time so due to those several things i mentioned i let it go and never persued her.

Nothing good is going to come out of it even if she branch swings as if shes living with this lawyer the only thing she is using you for is a safety blanket. Due to other chicks showing her lawer boyfriend interest which is most likely why shes dating him since she felt compelled to tell you his occupation to get a read on yours. If you aren't going "up to snuff" in her mind but more attractive shell use you for an ego boost like shes using her lawyer as a boyfriend. Remember this chick was drawn to him because he's a a lawyer and im sure she knew full well when she decided to date him and knows deep down there are other possibly younger and more attractive chicks who will be after him for the same reasons she was..

Id let this chick go. But that's not what you want to hear.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Most of these chicks living in big cities are looking to date and marry their sex and the city mr. Big. Sure she may like you but her provider and jackpot of every chicks dreams in the city comes first. If you arent doing better than her current lawyer boyfriend you will just be a cute temporary ego boost. Most of these chicks are brainwashed by tv societal sheep who are looking to impress everyone with dating a titled man and out to get what they think they deserve. Love or a true relationship even if right in their face is not on their agenda. Only trying to make it work with a man with an impressive title.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
The facts are if you're waiting for HB to be completely single before you pursue them, you're going to be waiting a long time. Most hot hb's are either currently in a relationship, being pursued by other guys, or both. If a woman is married, well, that's one thing-- proceed with caution or not at all. But a boyfriend? Plus, she sounded like she was trying to hide the boyfriend from you. I don't know if I would ask her out just yet, but I would start lightly text flirting with her and see where it goes. Yeah, there is a chance you could end up with nothing, but who knows? Just initiate some lite text flirting with her and see where it goes.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Early ass morning case. Here I go.

drift king said:
i started chatting to this HB sunbathing out in the park on friday, we hit it off immediately.. i sensed interest on her part.. we're very similar interested in similar things, she complimented me, i subtley conveyed my interest in a way which was classy allbeit i should have ben more direct. as we parted ways she asked for my number and i asked her to miss call me so i'd get hers. i kissed her cheeks to say bye and she said i smelt nice.

Seems good.

i sensed a bf though, she's about to move apartments and she got a call from the estate agents and listening to what she was saying it appears she was moving into a place with her bf (i noticed she quietened down when she answered questions about him: ''he's a lawyer. 3 years.'' i could tell she was being careful and quiet about what she was saying about him as she didn't want me to know/hear) i asked her after 'do you live by yourself?' she looked nervous on answering this, she paused and nervously said 'i live with 2 other people... we're downsizing.'

She's letting you down easy. Your princess is telling you that she's in another castle.

i know if a girl is attracted to you she won't tell you she has a bf, however in this situation if she's moving apartments with her bf i dont see any good coming from this.

Any sane man who's spinning plates can see this. Even Stevie Wonder can see it!

im going to ask her out tomorrow but i suspect she's going to try to friendzone me or keep me in her pocket till she's ready to branch swing. if she suggests we be friends should i just no contact her?

Go no contact and do it now. There is no good in this that is for you. F**k the friendzone, unless you like hearing about all the other guys she's banging.

i dont think there's enough emotional investment on her part so me not being in contact with her from now on will not favor me in getting her.

She's holding all the cards, and you are not desirable enough for her. Period.
Read betwee- I'm tired as hell. Do something better with your time than go after a girl who told you she has a boyfriend, a higher financial and status boyfriend than you at that. Judge nismo's ruling has been issued.

Case closed. :yawn: Leave my courtroom so I can sleep.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
drift king said:
i started chatting to this HB sunbathing out in the park on friday, we hit it off immediately.. i sensed interest on her part.. we're very similar interested in similar things, she complimented me, i subtley conveyed my interest in a way which was classy allbeit i should have ben more direct. as we parted ways she asked for my number and i asked her to miss call me so i'd get hers. i kissed her cheeks to say bye and she said i smelt nice.

i sensed a bf though, she's about to move apartments and she got a call from the estate agents and listening to what she was saying it appears she was moving into a place with her bf (i noticed she quietened down when she answered questions about him: ''he's a lawyer. 3 years.'' i could tell she was being careful and quiet about what she was saying about him as she didn't want me to know/hear) i asked her after 'do you live by yourself?' she looked nervous on answering this, she paused and nervously said 'i live with 2 other people... we're downsizing.'

i know if a girl is attracted to you she won't tell you she has a bf, however in this situation if she's moving apartments with her bf i dont see any good coming from this. im going to ask her out tomorrow but i suspect she's going to try to friendzone me or keep me in her pocket till she's ready to branch swing. if she suggests we be friends should i just no contact her?

i dont think there's enough emotional investment on her part so me not being in contact with her from now on will not favor me in getting her.

Not as bad as it seems. You maybe able to fvck her and if you are good in the sack then you maybe a fvck buddy. But you won't be able to date her since you are probably lower worth than the bf. if you can control your emotions use her for sex. If not GTFO

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Early ass morning case. Here I go.

Read betwee- I'm tired as hell. Do something better with your time than go after a girl who told you she has a boyfriend, a higher financial and status boyfriend than you at that. Judge nismo's ruling has been issued.

Case closed. :yawn: Leave my courtroom so I can sleep.
no no no, you dont follow.. she never actually told me she had a bf.

remember i said she was on the phone to the estate agents and i interpreted her behavior and answers to the agent as her having one.. i.e. the 'he's a lawyer. 3 years.' i never asked her directly i just assumed by the fact she went quiet and answered in a way in hoping i wouldn't hear.

and when i asked her directly after if she lived alone she acted nervous.

does this change things?

she hasn't told me she has a bf.. i've just assumed she does.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
well. in the end any of this should affect you making your move. you ll find out soon enough.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
No need to next her already. Just keep on pushing/escalating as if she didn't have a boyfriend. Once she says "No" then you next her right away. There's no point in giving up so early.

I don't get why you guys want him to eject so early? It seems like it is stemming from a fear of rejection.

Keep your game tight and escalate. See if she is up for a date. Yes, awesome. Escalate on the date. You will quickly find out if she has a boyfriend.

She says no, then there's your answer.

It seems like you might be afraid of getting rejected. So what? There are thousands of pretty ones just like her out there. As gunwitch says "make the ho say no".


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Sofomore, and Omega05, I agree with you. And Sofomore, I think you hit on big problem on this forum--so many guys here preach giving up too early and going in to 'No Contact' when there hasn't even been any kind of real contact established yet. I don't get it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
ChargingRhino said:
Sofomore, and Omega05, I agree with you. And Sofomore, I think you hit on big problem on this forum--so many guys here preach giving up too early and going in to 'No Contact' when there hasn't even been any kind of real contact established yet. I don't get it.
i think if the woman had stated explicitly that she had a bf, than I would say next her. A similar situation happened to me where i met this 21 year old girl on the street and she gave me her number and i took her out to dinner and a club and then I see on facebook that she has a boyfriend but she never told this to me and that's probably the reason she wouldnt let me escalate with her


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
drift king said:
no no no, you dont follow.. she never actually told me she had a bf.

But she did bring one up. Not good.

remember i said she was on the phone to the estate agents and i interpreted her behavior and answers to the agent as her having one.. i.e. the 'he's a lawyer. 3 years.' i never asked her directly i just assumed by the fact she went quiet and answered in a way in hoping i wouldn't hear.

She sounds like she just wants your time and attention.

and when i asked her directly after if she lived alone she acted nervous.

If you're getting mixed signals or mixed emotions, that means little to no interest.

does this change things?

You just need to make a move.

she hasn't told me she has a bf.. i've just assumed she does.

On the phone conversation, she brought one up. If a woman likes you, she won't bring one up.
Go for this girl if you like, and dammit get physical with her. Don't be a woman with a penis, and if she doesn't let you advance, move the hell on. At the end of the day, you need to take action. Make a move already. Her actions will answer all these questions better than any of us here can.