warning- even omitting heaps of details this is a rather long post.
Guys i was out last night enjoying myself with some mates and brushing up some DJ skills every now and then. You know, one of those awesome nights just with the guys when you try fun, daring and silly things that all involve meeting new women.
During the night i got chatting briefly with one chick who i couldn't seem to figure out. Anyways you guessed it, she was a "lesbian". If you ask me not the type that is born that way, but the type that chooses to be that way inclined. She was FINE aswell not one of those butt ugly hoes that has a female f-buddy who not surprisingly is also "wish i never saw you" material.
Anyways, maybe the fact that she was a lesbian got me soo interested. She seemed interested in me even though she said she wasn't into guys.[(ok maybe she was just being polite and talking to me) (******** there?) ].It took a fair bit of work to get her number as well but i got it in the end.
Getting her number was funny cos she said, "I have a partner" (kinda like the i've got a BF line) and i was close to saying "i'm asking for your number not your partners" but then i thought thats not entirely true, i'd want her partners number too! haha.
I had been talking to her for about 10 mins (extra time allowance for being a lesbian) and thought i better report back to the boys. I got heaps of jokes for trying to pick up a lesbian. lol. I must admit they were funny. But then later we saw her dancing with her also hot partner.- gulp. Would it be considered the ultimate DJ move to convert a lesbian?
3 second rule and 10 seconds later i was dancing with them. Nothing serious though. Then it was time to call it a night and i left with the guys and between us 21 numbers lol (5 guys.) We were all pretty happy, but i was thinking about the lesbian chick.
Have you guys had any experience with lesbian chicks? Any moves, advice on getting them?
Wanted a 3some! lol
thoughts and suggestions,
Guys i was out last night enjoying myself with some mates and brushing up some DJ skills every now and then. You know, one of those awesome nights just with the guys when you try fun, daring and silly things that all involve meeting new women.
During the night i got chatting briefly with one chick who i couldn't seem to figure out. Anyways you guessed it, she was a "lesbian". If you ask me not the type that is born that way, but the type that chooses to be that way inclined. She was FINE aswell not one of those butt ugly hoes that has a female f-buddy who not surprisingly is also "wish i never saw you" material.
Anyways, maybe the fact that she was a lesbian got me soo interested. She seemed interested in me even though she said she wasn't into guys.[(ok maybe she was just being polite and talking to me) (******** there?) ].It took a fair bit of work to get her number as well but i got it in the end.
Getting her number was funny cos she said, "I have a partner" (kinda like the i've got a BF line) and i was close to saying "i'm asking for your number not your partners" but then i thought thats not entirely true, i'd want her partners number too! haha.
I had been talking to her for about 10 mins (extra time allowance for being a lesbian) and thought i better report back to the boys. I got heaps of jokes for trying to pick up a lesbian. lol. I must admit they were funny. But then later we saw her dancing with her also hot partner.- gulp. Would it be considered the ultimate DJ move to convert a lesbian?
3 second rule and 10 seconds later i was dancing with them. Nothing serious though. Then it was time to call it a night and i left with the guys and between us 21 numbers lol (5 guys.) We were all pretty happy, but i was thinking about the lesbian chick.
Have you guys had any experience with lesbian chicks? Any moves, advice on getting them?
Wanted a 3some! lol
thoughts and suggestions,