she wants to make "cupcakes" at my place this saturday nite


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
so theres this chick that im well and truely in the friend zone with, ie i missed my chance a while back due to oneitis/lack of plate spin.

in fact many times since she has said im "the best friend in the world". i just assume she is getting smashed by bad boys, no big loss.

anyhoo to shorten the story i met another girl who im half interested in, which has caused me to go from regular contact to no contact for about 8 days on my friendzone girl.

so my friendzone girl contacts me out of the blue today, doesn't ask but says she misses me and this saturday nite she is coming over to my place to bake "cupcakes" together. if it is not a euphimism for banging her it sounds like just about the gheyest thing ever (keeping in mind im friendzoned here)

also today is tuesday, thats a pretty big plan ahead from her to lock in saturday nite. so what i was wondering:

a) is she planning so far ahead cause she knows she is going to bail on me saturday nite anyway and shes just attention whoring to see if she can stitch up my saturday nite?

b) is she fully expecting to show up with a mixing bowl and cake mix and actually make cakes like we are two sisters this saturday nite?

c) is the cake making thing a front and she is expecting me to roll her in icing sugar and smash her all because i went no contact on her ass?

what should have i done, and what would you do?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
Have fun being Betty Crocker for the night....make sure you wear a dress while you mix the batter and pop them in the oven to bake.

Are you serious?

hope you're trolling because if you bake you're a bigger idiot than this thread

don't mess up on the frosting!

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
unsatisfied said:
so theres this chick that im well and truely in the friend zone with, ie i missed my chance a while back due to oneitis/lack of plate spin.
You didn't miss her because you weren't spinning plates... You missed her because you put her on a pedestal. You said "what can I do to get her?" Instead of "Is she for me? Do I want her?"Also stop thinking of getting or missing chicks. See every interaction as a learning experience. That way it is a win/win experience and it will improve your game for the next time.

unsatisfied: "So are you saying that I should be thinking that women are lucky to have my time and attention because I am such a great guy?"

Mr. Fantastic: "Exactly!"

unsatisfied said:
in fact many times since she has said im "the best friend in the world". i just assume she is getting smashed by bad boys, no big loss.
Then why are you still hanging out with this chick? She is down right disrespecting you. Man up and kick her to the curb.

unsatisfied said:
anyhoo to shorten the story i met another girl who im half interested in, which has caused me to go from regular contact to no contact for about 8 days on my friendzone girl.
You are counting the days of NC with the girl who is disrespecting you? Dude you are better than that.

unsatisfied said:
so my friendzone girl contacts me out of the blue today, doesn't ask but says she misses me and this saturday nite she is coming over to my place to bake "cupcakes" together. if it is not a euphimism for banging her it sounds like just about the gheyest thing ever (keeping in mind im friendzoned here)
She is telling you what you two are gonna do together?!?!?!?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR BALLS?Yeah she doesn't want your d!ck, and the reason why it is the 'geyest' thing ever is because she is treating you are her little fairy friend.

unsatisfied said:
what should have i done, and what would you do?
I'm not even gonna respond to the rest but I will tell you what I would do if I woke up in this nightmare of a situation.

1. Call/ text her and say "I'm busy Saturday, you are not gonna be able to come over"

2. Delete her number/ways contacting her.

3. Move on with your life. Most importantly don't come across as angry. Just flat out ignore her until she learns to respect you.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
Middle of Nowhere
Dude, why not? Have fun with the cupcake date. Go extra a$$hole/sex machine on her. There's nothing you can lose.

1. When she walks through to the door. Give her a big hug. And grope her a$$ saying : "Nice cupcakes."

2. You will not be involved in baking at any stage except spanking her a$$ with a spoon, put whipped cream on her and lick it etc. You get the idea.

3. Take it as far as you can until she leaves.

Have fun


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Shes coming over to make cupcakes with you. This could possibly be another chance to bang her. Any activity that involves a man and woman cooking alone in a house, results in s3x at the end. But thats if you play your cards right. The only way for this to work is to be chill relax, stop thinking of her, don't talk about your feelings,escalate and don't pedestal her.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
over the hedge
You must have been extra friendzone AFC to have a girl think "ill go to his hosue and itll just be friends"... I hope it isnt this bad... If there has been atleast SOME flirting or kino then something WILL be at the back of her mind. The cupcake thing gives her plausible deniability for after u nail her. If shes hot she definately will..

Act indifferent about whether it happens regardless. Itd be wierd for her to flake to be honest - avoid communication til say friday, and say "chocolate my fav... just throwing that out there, but you will win big points with me! ;)" or something just as an indirect confirmation that its on..

The date itself is a perfect action date. Make a fvckin mess of the place and her.. the kino oppurtunities are great... I did something before were we were cooking and i started pretending i was a cooking show host and the girl was my assistant... like "So over here we have our carrots, and im just gonna pop them in a bowl... my assistant over here... is tending to the peas... and well... an..... interesting job here..... note that my assistant has been hitting the vodka pretty hard before teh show but atleast now shes stopped groping myself, and the rest of the back stage crew...." ... get really into it...and she should be peeing herself laughing...... then do some **** like "AND NOW.. i am smearing the chocolate here.. smear smear.. and as an extra thing.. ill just drop a little bit of chocolate on my assistants face *straight face*.. just to give that overall chocolatey photo frame finish"...... then u just get it on from there i guess...

Worked for me. Throw on the british accent if possible.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2007
Reaction score
What you should do is find something else to do that night. If you have nothing else to do, then why not hang out with her? There's nothing wrong with having girls as friends. Just be sure you know in your mind that nothing's gonna happen between you two. Don't secretly hope she'll hook up with you and then get mad when she doesn't, cuz she won't.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
The only that's relevant is what you want to do. Do you want to make cupcakes?


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Your response should have been:

Sounds good. I'll make sure to put the "icing" on the "cakes"!


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
unsatisfied said:
what should have i done, and what would you do?
Do you want to bake cupcakes?


Then don't. I'm not saying be an a*shole about it, but it doesn't sound like you're too keen on baking cupcakes. I would spend the time between now and then figuring out something fun you'd like to do - with or without her, you should do what you want to do.

Hopefully, you have some things going on in your life where you're never at a loss as to what you should be doing on a given night. If you don't have these things going on, find them.

If you need examples, I have a full time job, I take 5-6 dance classes a week, I train dance in addition to taking those classes, I go to the gym, I write, and am currently taking an improv class, and have been for the last 3 months. Come the fall, I'll be enrolled in a writing class to help me develop my novel.

So, you bet your a*s that if I'm spending my Saturday night baking cupcakes, I better f*ckin' have some cupcake fever.

No disrespect, OP. Do what YOU want to do.