She wants me, but she has a bf


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I just recently started hanging out with this girl that is friends with one of my good friends. Anyway, I didn't really think much of being around her. We've only hung out once or twice and since she had a boyfriend I didn't even bother spitting out any game at all. I could careless what she really thought of me. When I think about it I don't really think I even paid much attention to her and spoke to her very little. I mostly just joked around and was just being myself.

Well anyway that must have been attractive for this girl because she wants me bad now. Whenever we've hung out she's been complaining about her wimpy AFC boyfriend who plans on marrying her, but at the same time is insistent on telling my friend and I about their sex life. Now she's been bugging my friend constantly trying to figure out what I think of her. She's been texting him nonstop and calling him all the time.

I managed to avoid the question for a few days, but today I had no other choice but to let her know. She told my friend that she liked me and for him to tell me that. So naturally she wants to know what I think about the whole thing after my friend tells me. I basically told my friend that I was somewhat interested, but not interested at all in breaking up her current relationship or dealing with her boyfriend in any way.

I haven't heard what she's said and I don't really care all that much. I just want to know how should I handle this whole thing? I haven't been in this situation before. I want to be a challenge, but at the same time not give off signals that I'm not interested. I don't want to go about this like a typical AFC. What do you guys recommend?
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Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, well let me put it in simple terms. I can understand how it would seem kind of elementary to you, as it does to me too. That's why I'm kind of confused about how to deal with it. The fact of the matter is that this is really not that important, I just wanted to see how you guys thought would be the best way to react to this situation.

So this girl Sara and I have recently started hanging out, but only as friends and nothing more. The thought of even gaming this girl was nonoccurence to me as I have little interest in this girl.

Sara is a vivid character, but is a good lay. She seems like she would be a good hook up, and now that she is pursuing me the chance to make a move comes up.

However, she also has a boyfriend. I'm guessing she's shyed away from him because he's turned into a *****. And for the first time she doesn't have a guy drooling for her attention. She's drooling for mine for a change. The thing is since the boyfriend has become so enamored with her.. I'm thinking it's probably a stupid idea to do anything and risk this guy's world collapsing upside down and him getting any stupid ideas.

At the same time I still want to game this girl just for practice and see what comes of it. What would be the best way to go about this while keeping in mind that I am walking on thin ice under fragile circumstances,or should I just follow my instinct and drop it and keep us at the friend level.


Im in a situation just like this Finch. This chick had a serious boyfriend of like 2 years or so but took 1 look at me one night and decided she had to bang my brains out. Anyways, she started to like me alot after that and just like in ur situation told a mutual friend how much she liked me and how confused she was over what to do. Thats were I am now. She comes over at least twice a week and I'm starting to like her to, which I think is a mistake. I know she loves her boyfriend, so If i let myself get attached, I may be headed for an ugly situation.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
I understand how you feel. You're right, you shouldn't get attached to this girl.

Ironically, as my luck would have it this other girl, who I have had the biggest crush on for the longest time, had her best friend approach me today and she told me some shocking news.

Well this sexy girl 9.0 is planning on dumping her boyfriend today. She's been going out with this guy for about a year and I guess things just got old between the two. To be honest I don't know much about their relationship and much like this girl Sara, haven't really hung out with her much..

Anyway, I'm way more interested in this other girl. She's a cutie. Her bestfriend was telling me that she wants me to ask her to prom which is great news for me if all works out accordingly. However, if it doesn't I'll be somewhat disappointed, but obviously I'll be ok.

Why am I attracting all sorts of girls who are tired of their boyfriends? lol

LouieVaton Don

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
The classic case of what goes around comes around, stay away from this girl unless you just wanna bang and nothing more because if you make her your girl she'll eventually f*ck around on you. End of story.