She Still Talks To Her Ex (Sometimes) Who No Doubt Wants To Hit It


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
The Title says much.......My Main chick. LTR. We've been like that for about two years. She recently told me she still sometimes talks to her ex. As far as I know, it's not a lot now. But she said "hes cool" and "before" (didn't specify when or how long ago), they would stilll talk to each other sometimes. The only reason I know they still communicate sometimes is because she told me. But the fact that she still talks to him and he hasn't moved on past her bothers me. Because now that makes me think "Why is she talking to him PERIOD (even if it really is hardly ever), knowing he has feelings for her?". And there's no real way of me knowing the TRUTH about how much they actually talked or WHEN that was.

How should I respond to all of this? Basically, I don't trust what she says (because hey, chicks lie.). But there is no way of me REALLY knowing. I'm thinking about just going back to "spinning the rest of the plates" for a while. Because even though I'm in a relationship, I never put the "plates" in the cupboard.But I don't wanna be too hasty over nothing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
At least she was honest about it. Where and when does she speak to him?

I don't think you've anything to fear of anything going on. Shes been with you for that length of time and if she really liked him she'd have gone back to him long ago. It looks like hes firmly in the friendzone.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
If I was in your situation, her actions would definitely alarm me. There is no reason why she should be speaking to her ex.

And the fact that she's been doing this for a while and only recently told you about it sounds really suspicious to me. If it's truly nothing to take seriously, then she should have told you back when they first started talking...not now.

She was obviously keeping this secret from you because for whatever reason (or whatever they talked about) could have upset you. I don't know why she all of a sudden decided to tell you about it but you should definitely sit her down and see what's up.

Keep us posted.