She Started Qualifying: Alternatives?


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
As some of you may know, I'm relatively new to the "game," as far as being an insider goes. I'm starting to notice more things while in the moment during interactions, rather than being clueless and only having it hit me hours or even days later. That should give you an idea of where I'm coming from on this:

I was in one of my dance classes the other day, and something interesting happened. Interesting to me, of course, being new... for most of you this is minor, minor stuff. But bare with me. There is a cutie in there (among many) who I've hung out with before, but it's been well over a month and we don't really chat or anything, just have class together. Anyway, I was just messing around, not even gaming, and she happened to walk by me so I pushed her in a playful way. I kept going on my way, and she runs back up... "Spiral, you didn't say anything about my hair!" big smile on her face.

Prior to being in the know, I may have broken down, supplicated, said something stupid like "You look great!" or "So sorry! But it looks great!" and then felt really awkward for having not noticed. But something instantly clicked this time... and I said something like "It looks... good." with a kind of condescending but playful smirk on my face. She laughs, punches my shoulder and says "You're such a jerk!"

We then proceeded to have a "mock" kung-fu battle. Keep in mind we are in class and this only lasted a few seconds, but it was fun, and the situation went well.

However, just to build up an arsenal of ideas, I'd like to know what you might have done in this situation. I'm curious to see the different perspectives.