On the subject of FLAKE BOMBS
"Men, we all know that flaking is defined as a woman saying one thing and doing another-----UNEXPECTEDLY. And usually this is revealed in the context of missed appointments. Some more specific examples of this is when a woman agrees to a date, a phone call, an outing, etc. but then WITHOUT WARNING stands you up, or changes her mind then offers you a weak-assed excuse later (if you’re “lucky”), or otherwise blows you off (but not in the GOOD way…lol).
So this is what we mean by the word “flake”. But the explosive, “suddenness” of a woman blowing away your plans to get with her is what makes these events “Bomb-like”.
Why do they flake? It is usually due to a woman being somewhat attracted to you, but having no real recognition of your value as a man. Too much attraction and not enough value leads to a woman flaking on you. And too much value and not enough attraction leads to a woman categorizing you as a friend at best, or a tool for her to use for whatever purpose she chooses to AT WORST.
Age has no bearing on women flaking, only Interest Level does. Think about it: Most of these chicks are rejecting you without having really gotten a chance to get to KNOW you. This is why a woman flaking on you is most of the time, NOT a true reflection on YOU, but rather a lack of high interest or character flaw on HER part.
Why do I say “lack of character” on her part? Because by flaking, she is actually showing you that she has NO respect for you as a person simply because you are a romantically interested MAN. If something “came up” on the day she was supposed to go out with her “girlfriends”, nine times out of ten, she’d call them and tell them.
And if something “came up” on the day she was supposed to go to work, nine times out of ten, GUESS WHAT???....she’d call her employers, AND TELL THEM. It’s usually a pretty safe bet that she WOULDN’T just say to herself “whatever”, and then just go on with her day like she never had AGREED to those events in the first place…
So when she doesn’t show YOU the decency of a call, rest assured that it is because she is full of disinterest, disdain, and/or inconsideration for you simply because you ARE a romantically interested man.
Women who flake are mostly those driven to inconsiderateness as a result of feminized Western men’s PEDESTALization of WOMAN----a sad reality that we men have been combating for almost a century. But don’t despair, we can overcome the onslaught of the Biscuit Chicks (the HOT and FLAKEY women) by winning ONE battle at a time, troops!
The reality IS, that most times you will never KNOW for sure what happened. Why? Because their flaky asses will probably NEVER tell you the whole story, let alone the TRUTH.
What the fukk? IS there a positive side to flaking, you may be asking? Well, there CAN be…but ONLY if you look at it from a broader perspective. Here's something that has occurred to me recently, and it may serve as a reminder to ease the minds of many of you here who have the tendency of being TOO hard on yourselves about the injuries you’ve sustained from being hit with flake bombs:
Since I have improved MYSELF so much in such a short period of time, my OVERALL attractiveness has skyrocketed. Troops, I suggest to you that another reason why a lot of women flake on you is because you have BECOME more "initially" appealing to a much wider range of women.
The more of a good CATCH you are perceived to be by a larger population of women, then the wider your NET becomes for reeling them in. So it would stand to reason that once your initial “superficial” attractiveness "wears off" in the eyes of women, then they'll start to see you for who you really are INSIDE.
And my experience has taught me that the closer you get to a person, not only do you begin to see THEM more clearly, but they also see YOU more clearly as well.
And once this happens, the WRONG people for YOU will start to self-sabotage the potential relationship because they KNOW deep down that they are either unworthy of you, or incompatible with you. So once this occurs in the mind of a babe, her interest levels can start to plummet without warning. And as I have said many times to you before, this is when her transformation from "Interested Chick" to "Biscuit Chick" has begun.
So you see, that saying really is true. Water really DOES seek it’s own level. Many women ultimately end up running from a man whose presence requires them to raise their standards. So instead, they rush back into the arms of the familiar----the men who are on the same level as they already are (which is usually LOWER than yours…).
So when you detect a woman is losing interest in you based on lack of true CORE-LEVEL compatibility, then it’s usually best to just pull the plug and watch them swirl down the drain.
So what’s the solution? Well, it’s very involved, I’m afraid. For it takes forethought, discipline, and attention to detail to pull it off, but I know you can do it:
To survive exploding Flake Bombs, continue to have strict standards for what behavior you expect, and are willing to accept from a woman. Be “Spartan-Like” in your battle to protect YOUR OWN best interest. Never go against your gut. When you feel instinctively that the choice in any given situation is between keeping the woman or sacrificing your self-respect (Manhood)------choose your self-respect EVERY TIME. Nothing helps you face yourself every morning as you arise like KNOWING you have been true to who YOU really ARE inside.
And the trick to eliminating flaking altogether is to strike the right balance between attraction and value----and the thing that links these two projective qualities together perfectly is TIME spent in the presence of the woman. “If” you want MORE than just a short-term fling, your mission should always be to lead with ATTRACTION and immediately follow up with VALUE.
Any failure to do this will eventually become a failure to keep the majority of women interested long enough to enter the territory of long term relationships. Yes, failure to do this is why so many Cold Approaches (my FAVORITE type) turn into “frosted flakes”."