Don Juan
Hey all,
I'll give a quick introduction..
My name is Shadowfox I'am 16 years old. I have been training since January this year. My gains have been very very steady to say the most, I'am roughly around 10 stone in weight. Extreme ectomorph. When i first started lifting i gained quickly but hit a wall and it seems this wall has been very difficult in overcoming, however I'am a DJ and that means that no matter what I will keep eating and keep training and I will succeed in this sport of bodybuilding.
My Diet
I'am not at all rich and money is hard to come across in this familly. So i stick to chicken and protein shakes. When starting out i added more food in 1,000 calorie increments to my diet before then.
Morning Breakfast and 2 milks 8.00
10.00 Protein shake with 4tsp olive oil.
12.00 Dinner (whatever mum cooks or school)
2.00 4 breads and protein shake.
4.00 3 more bread slices and protein shake and 2 chicken drumsticks
6.00 dinner (whatever mum cooks or school)
8.00 2 milks and protein shake
9.00 1 more glass of milk.
This is what i eat currently if after this week which will end on 29 May I haven't gained weight i'll add 1,000 more calories per day.
Supplements being used is : Creatine
thats it but i may get a multi vitamin.
I try to drink a lot of water.
My Exercise Regime is below
Workout 1 Arms and Back
DEADLIFT 4 sets 4-8 reps (have to do this with chain because my floor for my homegym isnt currently matted and dont want to drop the weight and cause damage)
Lat Pulldown 2 sets 4-8 reps
Dumbell row 2 sets 4-8 reps
Dumbell Curl 2 sets 4-8 reps
Kickback 2 sets 4-8 reps
Hammer curl 2 sets 4-8 reps
Workout 2 Shoulders and Chest
(Saving up for bench so currently doing machine bench press which isnt as good)
Shoulder Press 4 sets 4-8 Reps
Dumbell Press 2 sets 4-8 Reps
Bench Press 4 sets 4-8
Workout 3 LEGS and abs
Squats 4 sets 8-12 Reps
Leg extension 2 sets 8-12 reps
Crunches 4 sets 8-12 reps
This is everything. Will be a 10 week bulk hopefully I'll gain some mass of some sort before I move to college. If i dont post much in the comming 3 weeks its because of exams. Any critisism of my workouts is welcome. My diet i know is poor but what am i supposed to do I can't afford much and my home gym used to be my uncles.
STARTING WEIGHT : 140lb 12%BF(hard to determine as my scales are inaccurate)
I'll give a quick introduction..
My name is Shadowfox I'am 16 years old. I have been training since January this year. My gains have been very very steady to say the most, I'am roughly around 10 stone in weight. Extreme ectomorph. When i first started lifting i gained quickly but hit a wall and it seems this wall has been very difficult in overcoming, however I'am a DJ and that means that no matter what I will keep eating and keep training and I will succeed in this sport of bodybuilding.
My Diet
I'am not at all rich and money is hard to come across in this familly. So i stick to chicken and protein shakes. When starting out i added more food in 1,000 calorie increments to my diet before then.
Morning Breakfast and 2 milks 8.00
10.00 Protein shake with 4tsp olive oil.
12.00 Dinner (whatever mum cooks or school)
2.00 4 breads and protein shake.
4.00 3 more bread slices and protein shake and 2 chicken drumsticks
6.00 dinner (whatever mum cooks or school)
8.00 2 milks and protein shake
9.00 1 more glass of milk.
This is what i eat currently if after this week which will end on 29 May I haven't gained weight i'll add 1,000 more calories per day.
Supplements being used is : Creatine
thats it but i may get a multi vitamin.
I try to drink a lot of water.
My Exercise Regime is below
Workout 1 Arms and Back
DEADLIFT 4 sets 4-8 reps (have to do this with chain because my floor for my homegym isnt currently matted and dont want to drop the weight and cause damage)
Lat Pulldown 2 sets 4-8 reps
Dumbell row 2 sets 4-8 reps
Dumbell Curl 2 sets 4-8 reps
Kickback 2 sets 4-8 reps
Hammer curl 2 sets 4-8 reps
Workout 2 Shoulders and Chest
(Saving up for bench so currently doing machine bench press which isnt as good)
Shoulder Press 4 sets 4-8 Reps
Dumbell Press 2 sets 4-8 Reps
Bench Press 4 sets 4-8
Workout 3 LEGS and abs
Squats 4 sets 8-12 Reps
Leg extension 2 sets 8-12 reps
Crunches 4 sets 8-12 reps
This is everything. Will be a 10 week bulk hopefully I'll gain some mass of some sort before I move to college. If i dont post much in the comming 3 weeks its because of exams. Any critisism of my workouts is welcome. My diet i know is poor but what am i supposed to do I can't afford much and my home gym used to be my uncles.
STARTING WEIGHT : 140lb 12%BF(hard to determine as my scales are inaccurate)