Sex: The Early Stages of Dating


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
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Hope you guys can give me some advice on how to handle the situation. Was intending to screen her for a possible relationship while enjoying the sex, conversation, etc. But...

Somewhat unusual. I make out with a girl at the bar, out with friends. Chemistry is there. Adamant she's not going home with me. Not easy. As usual I escalate quickly. Only to find…she wasn't lying. A virgin.


We had sex marathons for a couple of weeks, every other day. When suddenly…she starts acting weird and distant. Saying she's not into casual sex. Doesn't want FWB. How she's catching feelings more and more every time we hookup.

Now it's down to seeing her once a week…sex once a week.

She's always the one initiating the texts. Texts again if I don't respond. Texts me asking me to meet randomly on Fri night. I tell her no, not tonight.
Try to reschedule, she say's she's busy "I'll pencil you in." <--- I'm not having that sh*t bro. But anyway says she's busy this week maybe next Monday. We chill.

The next day she's texting "so when will I see you next?" Then texting me Friday night while she's out at a bachelorette party.(Not into text conversations BS) We set plans for today. I was busy landscaping, getting my hands dirty. So I didn't respond to her text until 3hrs later and kept it short.

She asks me to reschedule last minute…

Sending me long ass texts, saying she's sorry, and is asking when will she see me. How she wants to see me and tried buying the flavored body powder I mentioned. (jokingly by text) Yes…A girls nipples that taste like cherries!!!

Now she says she's able to meet XYZ day this week, even willing to cancel plans with her friends.

If a girl is into you, she should make herself available correct? She will bend to meet you at the next possible moment. (Keep in mind she's not a seasoned slut and never had casual FWB before this.) No scheduling bullsh*t. Because I'm going to be more busy and less available.

Sex marathons, can't get enough, to acting distant….

Now it's possible we didn't spend enough time building rapport. Maybe because
I'm very slow to respond to texts, sometimes don't respond (just a natural habit)

It's also possible...that I've now released a sex demon intent to ride the c**k carousel. Which would explain the shift.

In any case, something just doesn't feel right with the situation.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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I mean the main point here is that she's a got her hooked, and shes not quite sure how to handle herself. She was very excited because she was getting banged reliably for the first time in her life..but she's starting to have buyer's remorse and feel like a s!ut because she feels like she's just being used for sex...which she basically is.

If you want to possibly date her romantically, then you need to start acting that way, getting to know her, making her feel special beyond just fvcking her.

If you just wanted to keep it a fvckbuddy situation....then that's not gonna're gonna need to cut it off with her. She basically has already anyway


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
One of the possibilities I considered was just that, anti-slut defense and slight buyers remorse. Since the post was long as is, I didn't mention that I've made plans and suggested doing other sh*t. I thoroughly enjoy conversation with a woman. Like that with all the women I fk with. It's chill…