Seriously fkd up


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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Basically my heading says everything. I am just so pissed off that I wanted to post about it somewhere, I hope I don't break any rules... Last week I had a lot of time, so I had time to read these forums, game theory anything like that, and what I conluded from this: my life just worthless at the moment. Next year I'm gonna be a senior, dunno what happens then, maybe I'll just quit school now? My social circle is almost zero, I have friends, but they are not like me, totally different people from me. I listened to a Blueprint 20 hour conference and this really opened my eyes. Now I am even more confused. I understand all these things, I believe in them, but it is just that I really don't know what do I want. F**K. I don't want such life as I have at the moment. Inside I am totally different people who eveyrbody else thinks I am, but outside it's just... My looks, it's not good. How to build up a life, get a life. I have a huge oneitis problem also at the moment. Probably I have no chance. That girl is just too good and she is on veery low opinion of me because of what I've done... Damn, I regret it so much. Dunno whether I should try to get things better, maybe even get something going with her, soon I'll probably regret it that I didn't but just if I did,maybe i'd got chance,probably not. . Just don't what should I do... So fkin confused. Thanks for listening, maybe someone can give me some advice on what could I do, or should I do. You can ask anything if you understand what I told in that post, I'll answer all questions. I just want to get things better...

BTW I've read DJ Bible and many other such things.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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Lots of people find their way with religion..that's all fine

What i suggest is Buddhist philosophy. I took a class on it, and it helped me realize how my life should be lived and structured, the purpose of life in general.

First thing, find the self...Not just who you are and ****. But how you know you exist and what allows you to exist..

Second thing, what is your main goal in life....No not your personal goal, be a pornstar or own your own playboy mansion heh...But the main goal is to advance not so drastically...but simple others...develop a moral foundation that others can learn from...

Third thing, realize how you can better yourself...Learn from others and yourself...

Take school seriously...think about college...think about a career...Start talking to new people...

As for your need to figure out if she's really worth it..

I had oneitis for a girl for 2 years...talked to her for only a month..i know she's interested...150%...the thing is..i never gave a **** about my social life because it seems as though MOST, not all, of the popular kids are conformists...i'm friends with some of them but you can tell which ones are not good to be around and which ones are genuinely good people... ex-oneitis is a good girl..but all her friends are b.......and i accepted the fact that i was only attracted physically...nice ass/legs...DAMMN fine...anyways...

you must figure out if you're only lusting...not worth it then if so...

oneitis takes abotu 2 months to really get over it...sometimes a little faster or sometimes slower...but most people think they are over it 3-5 times before they really are...

We all make life harder than it really is...we're not sex slaves getting raped everyday...we're not climbing piles of trash to find food...we're not being subjugated by a government that wants us to live in a dystopia that they control...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Basically my heading says everything."

As you think so you shall become.

Focus on where you want to be in life rather than where you are and begin working towards your goals one day at a time.

"maybe I'll just quit school now?"

You're probably just letting off steam here but incase you were serious don't fvcking quit school you'll just set yourself farther behind in life and especially so in this sh!tty economy.

"My social circle is almost zero, I have friends, but they are not like me, totally different people from me."

Ditch them once you find friends more like yourself if that is what will make you happy.

"My looks, it's not good. How to build up a life, get a life. I have a huge oneitis problem also at the moment. Probably I have no chance. That girl is just too good and she is on veery low opinion of me because of what I've done..."

Your opinion of yourself is more important than any woman's or anyone else's.

Its not that she's too good its that you have placed her on a pedastal higher than yourself and she hasn't even done anything to deserve it other than sparking fantasy emotion in you of oneitis which is entirely detrimental to a DJ's progress. Try and start thinking well of yourself bro and use whatever good qualities or things you have done in your life to help out with that if you need proof you are a better person than you are giving yourself credit for.

Also if your looks are sh!tty hey just do what you can to improve them whether its hitting the gym, dressing nicer, getting a hair cut, etc.

If they're really bad and your family's got a lot of money get some plastic surgery.

First though see if adopting a more harder edged DJ confident attitude can get you the women that you want as a lot of women out there love ugly mother fvckers as long as they are physically in good shape and have a killer personality.

So understand that sometimes weaknesses can be overcome by building up other sources of strength if you get my meaning.

"Damn, I regret it so much. Dunno whether I should try to get things better, maybe even get something going with her, soon I'll probably regret it that I didn't but just if I did,maybe i'd got chance,probably not. . Just don't what should I do... So fkin confused."

If you did something bad and it wasn't to the level of where you'd belong in jail or prison for it and she won't forgive you for it or think of you the way you want to be thought of because you did this bad thing or acted in an AFC way if thats what you mean then thats alright dude. She's just one out of a billion women out there and probably not all that hot or special once you begin to really see whats out there by looking for it. Anyway though go for it, go for her. Just don't beat yourself up and think you are a failure if you get shot down. Her opinion of you is not what is important. Again all that is important is what you think of yourself.

See its not what happens to you in life thats important, its what you do about it.

So what if she rejects you? Again a billion women out there and maybe just maybe you'll begin to start believing in yourself even when the world won't and maybe you'll begin to decide that whatever happens to you, you will not be defeated. You'll be one of those rare individuals that refuses to let himself be conquered by the world.

"BTW I've read DJ Bible and many other such things."

Always a good start for any youngster that wants to begin to pull himself off the sh!t pile.

Keep at it. Fill yourself with knowledge and belief in yourself and the idea that as long as you are alive and live on this planet that you can always start over again. Sometimes the key to success is simply trying a different approach each time you fail.

And of course I cannot disagree more strongly with Jeff as I often do.

Don't fill your mind with any religious bullsh!t be it buddhism, hinduism, Islam, the occult, paganism, Odinism or Christianity, stay away from that mind rot. Instead find something that fulfills your human need for certainty as that is really what is the reason for Jeff and other religious types getting a sense of peace and fulfillment. Religion fulfills the human need for certainty in that its something that will probably always be here in one form or another as the vast majority of humanity refuses to grow up and move away from fairytales into reality.

Understandable though as reality can be quite harsh but yes the main point you need to take is finding something that is always there for you, a concept you can depend on or an activity you can do that will always be available for you as long as you are alive can provide certainty and give you a greater sense of belonging and peace be it joining a club, going to a bar regularly, working out at the gym on dedicated schedules, just something you know will always be there for you can provide you stability, peace and thus certainty.

Oh and before I go I'll just say that some of the teachings and quotes of the various religions may be useful but really its no more or no less useful than what you can get out of reading most of the famous philosphers from human history like Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius and the like.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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and Kontroller i'm not didn't even read my post correctly

I didn't say buddhism...buddhist philosophy..not the religion

and no...don't read western's all bull****...descartes trying to prove god...
Western philosophy can't prove god exists
Buddhist assumes there is one and doesn't feed you bull**** about the perfect form...

forms and attachment=oneitis

sigh, i wish there was an aptitude test to get on this site



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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philosophy isnt about proving god's existence, so saying it sucks because it doesnt effectively do that is like saying oreos taste like crap because they dont accurately portray what jesus's balls tasted like


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Jeff you said this...

"Lots of people find their way with religion..that's all fine"

The original poster didn't cite or mention religion at all in his opening post and yet you threw the idea out there which in and of itself was a promotion of religion as one means to solve this man's problems.

One can only then be led to believe that what you said next...

"What i suggest is Buddhist philosophy. I took a class on it, and it helped me realize how my life should be lived and structured, the purpose of life in general.

First thing, find the self...Not just who you are and ****. But how you know you exist and what allows you to exist.."

Indicates that you embraced the religion.

I mean come on...

"and what allows you to exist"

What you said there was highly ambiguous and could be interpreted as a religious statement.

What allows us to exist? A mystical life force or our organs functioning due to biological electrical impulses?? See too much ambiguity Jeff and with the way you set your post up occams razor leans towards what you said here taking on a religious meaning for the most likely and simplest explanation.

Your preceeding sentence I bolded at the top of my post here before your saying this set up a very reasonable assumption that you are a practicing buddhist so the conclusion I reached wasn't exactly a huge leap now was it?

You say religion helps people find there way then you go on to talking about how buddhist philosophies helped yeah you really should have phrased things differently.

Maybe you should have simply said "buddhist philosophies helped me find my way, I mean I'm not a buddhist just saying that this religion's philosophy in particular opened my eyes".

See then you wouldn't be here making a post about aptitude tests and how I got you all wrong and didn't understand you as if you did things right to begin with I would've had nothing to take issue with. :)


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2009
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I highly think you are in a moment of depression period so to speak. You probably encountered some serious setbacks in life that makes you lost and confused about the path ahead.

What you can do essentially, is really to ask yourself

1. Where are you going?
I'm saying this meaning you have to visualize your long term goal in LIFE. That's your purpose on earth. Your long term goal can be something like starting your own chain of lemonade stores, or building the tallest sky scrapper in NY.

2. Who is going with you?
This is where your girlfriend, wife, and other people comes in.

I labeled those question 1 and 2 because they have a order. If you reverse the order, you are done in life. You need to set your goal in life and if that's too difficult to achieve, you break them up.

Visualize this in running whereby you are doing 2 miles and you split them up in parts. Last few parts is when you establish your negative splits or sprinting. Take your goals slowly like what KontrollerX say.

If I may further elaborate for you:

Let's say you take on the lemonade path, and you worked on it. Start working odd jobs to buying your own cart, fast forward to you starting international Martin's Lemonade that's so irresistible. You will have more cash in your hands that allows you to be 1. Be Happy and 2. Have spare cash.

You need to be happy by yourself first before others will want to step into your life. So yea the spare cash you can either buy a new server for SoSuave, or you can use to get a car, clothes, haircut etc.

My logic or example may be flawed but the idea is roughly there. You can't be reversing the order of questions.

You have to find your path, then you will be surrounded by others who are willing to follow you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hey bro.

First of, take a step back, and inhale deeply.

There are many that are living in a worse circumstance from you.

What you want to do now is take things step-by-step.
You're feeling real disoriented and at lose of direction with the information overload.

Start with baby steps, and work towards that objective of yours.

It's that simple.

Check out my 20 Dating Secrets guide when you have time. I'm sure it'll help you by large.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Jeff you said this...

"Lots of people find their way with religion..that's all fine"

The original poster didn't cite or mention religion at all in his opening post and yet you threw the idea out there which in and of itself was a promotion of religion as one means to solve this man's problems.

One can only then be led to believe that what you said next...

"What i suggest is Buddhist philosophy. I took a class on it, and it helped me realize how my life should be lived and structured, the purpose of life in general.

First thing, find the self...Not just who you are and ****. But how you know you exist and what allows you to exist.."

Indicates that you embraced the religion.

I mean come on...

"and what allows you to exist"

What you said there was highly ambiguous and could be interpreted as a religious statement.

What allows us to exist? A mystical life force or our organs functioning due to biological electrical impulses?? See too much ambiguity Jeff and with the way you set your post up occams razor leans towards what you said here taking on a religious meaning for the most likely and simplest explanation.

Your preceeding sentence I bolded at the top of my post here before your saying this set up a very reasonable assumption that you are a practicing buddhist so the conclusion I reached wasn't exactly a huge leap now was it?

You say religion helps people find there way then you go on to talking about how buddhist philosophies helped yeah you really should have phrased things differently.

Maybe you should have simply said "buddhist philosophies helped me find my way, I mean I'm not a buddhist just saying that this religion's philosophy in particular opened my eyes".

See then you wouldn't be here making a post about aptitude tests and how I got you all wrong and didn't understand you as if you did things right to begin with I would've had nothing to take issue with. :)
SURE :up: ;) ...Disagree with me all you Whitman said, 'What I assume, you must Assume."

I hope you find what you're looking for Martins.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Dont know what you want in life, Most people who are in this state have a hard time thinking positively. So what i would do is write down every thing you DONT WANT IN YOUR LIFe. I dont want to be () I dont want() then once you have said the things in your life you dont want, because for most people its easyer to say the things you dont want rather then the things you do want. Reword every I DONT WANT or I DONT LIKE statement into a positive.

Example. I DONT HAVE FRIENDS = MY LIFE IS FILLED WITH FUN EXCITING FREINDS AND WE SHARE AWESOME EXPERIANCES EVERYDAY. and like what is said above dont focus on the lack, because its very creepy, weird, and needy and people get weirded out by people who are completely negative. The biggest step that has gain me my most succes was writing postive statements that are egoless and make me feel good. Writing every time i get a number, have sex, meet a girl for the first time, have a girl suck my ****, ONS, kiss because every time i get down i have a book of everything that i have done and i realize how far i really am.

Trust me dude i didnt get laid till the last week of my senior year, went on a drought for a year after that and laid 8 girls in the past 8 months it will come to you and you are on the right path