Senior-Sophmore Situation


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Ok this is kind of a complicated situation.

So here it goes, I am a sophmore in High School and I have known this other Senior for over half the school year. She is really hot and I've always wanted to hook up with her. I had started to get the impression that she wanted me in a more-than-friendly way for about a month. Then, last week we made out in her car. Since then we have discussed the age and a bunch more about where this is going. Basically at this point she keeps saying that she does not want a relationship. Her main reason is that she got fu*ked over by her last boyfriend. However, I always bring up the point that I think the reason she doesn't want to go further is because I am a Sophmore and she is a Senior. Its been about 5 days since we first made out and we do it each time we see each other alone(3 more times since the first).

She is going to college after this summer, but I would really like to go further with her before then. At this point, from the way we discuss the issue, it doesn't seem absolutely impossible, but I need help on what I should do to move forward.

Here is some other information that I will add. She tells me(and I am quite sure all of this is true because she is an exceptionally honest person) that her last boyfriend, who was in college, was the first guy she did anything more than make out with and she also added that she did everything with him. Another thing she said is that she has never done anything or been attracted to someone under her age before me(we are about 3 yrs apart). Also we talked about sex and stuff and she basically keeps saying she doesn't want to take my virginity(yeah I told her I was a virgin, but she already knew). And on a final note I already hooked up with her good friend on new years who is also a Senior. With her I did a little more than make out, but I also tried to fu*k her, and she knew I was a virgin, and of coarse gave the same reason for not wanting to have sex with me(doesn't want to take my virginity). I made another post on that here.

I would highly appriciate some opinions and tips/suggestions for what I should do at this point.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
The main reason she doesn't want to go anywhere is because you help her make a 'problem' out of the age thing.

About the virginity thing, tell her that shes gotta be extremely lucky to take that from you.

Just act like shes any other girl. Don't treat her like shes older and "special". She'll notice the behavior, and it'll deter her from any hook up. I've got ex's ranging fromt 3 years older than me to 2 years younger. The one mistake you will most likely make, is making a big deal out of the age. It's all about whats in your head, not whats on your birth certificate.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Damn, I actually never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right.

Can you give me some other tips and such for how to reverse this?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
That's a pretty good job, Senior and whatnot, congrats.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
I was in exact same position not too long ago, she invited me to her house, and I couldnt go the first time (when she did come), and the second time she gave me a lame excuse for not picking up the phone that night, even though she did that day, so I ditched the *****.