Semi Long Distance Question


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hey! Well considering the special circumstances of high school, I can't date several people from the same school, hahahha. No one is that good :rock:

So what i've tried to do was date other women from different schools. I have a few problems though that I was wondering if anyone here could help with.

1. Sometimes when I follow up a # close, the girl is always busy afterwards with school work and doesn't have a ride to date locations. How can I progress beyond the initial stage?

2. If they're too busy to meet up in person, should I get their AIM screenname and just continue flirting with them online? Or is that too much of a risk in LJBF zone, leaving me with storing the # in my phone book until I am able to drive myself?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
what you should do is pace.

You talk to the girl, telling stories, rountines whatever have a good convo. Then let say you ask her to chill or whatever and she gives an excuse. Make fun of the excuse or ignore it or accept it for what it is and then continue the convo.

You do this until she agrees to hang out with you. This is called persistence and when done in a none needy way its golden.

It is easy to persist and not seem needy. Just dont do something like

You: Hey lets go to _____ on saturday?
Her: umm i think im busy
You: o come on, it will be fun (in a whiny way)
Her: i dont think i can
You: r u lieing? come on it will be awesome

That is persistent but you r showing you're needy cuz of how you r persisting.

Good version
You: Hey lets go to ____ on saturday
Her: umm i think im busy
You: I am way too fun for you to miss out on but hey your loss (****y n funny)

Then you go into story or just continue talking n having a solid interaction then you try again

You: so you coming with me to ______ on saturday (you r showing you r going anyway with or without her)
Her: sure (or if no you continue doing this over and over again)

This is what phone game is about. You cant somehow bring back the good feelings, you have to recreate them and show her why she gave you have her number in the first place and then go for the extraction. this can take 5 minutes or it can take 40 minutes. It all depends on the girl and how much you want to invest.

Persistence pays off in everything.



Don Juan
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score

o wow thanks marvel

i actually had a similar prob when this girl i knew online kept making excuses about hanging out in r/l
i was actually about to NEXT her but now i think maybe i shud persist a lil longer :D
(thankfully the other times she excused herself i was C&F so i thankfully can still persist... i dunno where the C&F came from to.. i just started to do it actually)