Semi-Gay Friends


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I have two friends that have long term girlfriends but are overtly sexual in nature towards the other guys in the group. Like sitting on your lap or making a loud statement of how good the sex was with you last night. They really enjoy doing it to me because I have this tendency to blush when someone does something that embarrasses me.

It usually makes me laugh because more often than not I've already started flirting with the girl in the seat next to me. Sometimes it scares her off and other times it actually seems to turn her on. I've kind of taken three responses to their unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances.

a) "I'm so sorry mate, I really don't swing that way."
b) "Hahaha, I told you it was just one time. "
c) Flat out ignore whatever they do or say.

How would you handle the situation without resorting to getting angry, yelling or hitting either friend?
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
thats how people pla around nowadays they think its funny, and i'm guessing your from a small town because your just now getting this playfullness but guys have been playing gay for years in super citys but anyways this was started from american pie, because on the cut scenes the guys are playing around grabing each others asses and ****. and eveyone started doing that playfully ever since :nervous:


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Psh, this was around way before American Pie. I've told more than a few guys stuff like that, it's just messing around, and they're probably totally straight. On the other hand, if it's interfering with your game, then tell them that they're being c0ckblocks and that they should back off when you're gaming someone.
Still, I'd think you could use it to your advantage. Tell them that you don't like people who beg for attention all the time, or that you could do better, or something else that makes you look good. I've found that in many situations, Juggler's rule of automatically agreeing with random statements is very helpful. You just have to turn it around so that you don't look bad, stupid, or whatever. If you flat out ignore them, or you tell them you're not interested, then you appear defensive (which, lets be honest, you are), but if you throw one right back at them, then it's obvious that it doesn't bother you. Which is a good thing. Beyond chicks that are into guy-on-guy (a disturbing number, in my opinion), you can use blatantly sexual comments to show how very awesome you are. Which is the point anyways, right?